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InsaneDoll 03-19-2008 07:19 PM

if obscene is talking about their hair then I`m talking about their ... oh just screw it. I`m not fooling anyone about being innocent and I can`t actually think what to add to that sentence so -flips people off-

braces have always been <3 but .. crooked teeth are even <3.

adi-chan focuse .. imagine Toshi with spinach in his braces. it should be a turn off and stop humping his leg. I hope.

and my dear buttercup ... I know how fun lessons can be. anatomy lessons (clichee clichee but bite me oki? grrr) with Shin. enough said heh?

adina 03-19-2008 07:21 PM

is so not working
he looks even more adorable with spinach between his teeth
you're mean
*humps the chair*

jrocker21 03-19-2008 07:21 PM

i failed anatomy.. so dai dai has to reteach me!XD

but doesn't all jrockers don't like vegetables??

InsaneDoll 03-19-2008 07:33 PM

yeah .. I belive they don`t like veggies. goodie .. cause it`s not that I loathe veggies .. just that I don`t eat them.

spinach tosh shouldn`t be that much of a turn on .. damn adi-chan .. you`re so horny. bwahahaha. -licks-

utterly adorable dorks. come to think of it .. they`re all dorks. hah.

ano ... "YES DAI .. MHMMM.. HARDER" .. what chapter is that?

adina 03-19-2008 07:35 PM

fcuk me pls
I'm speachless and horny
walks out of diru thread...I see ID like to tease me when I'm in such state
meanie *licks* XD~

jrocker21 03-19-2008 07:35 PM

*cough* umm... beginning of chapter 1...

InsaneDoll 03-19-2008 07:47 PM

-pins adi-chan to the thread-
ooh .. I got myself a wittle kawaii horny bish
now what does that button do -unbuttons adi`s shirt-

chapter 1 heh? lovely. it does sound really familiar to me. -ponders-
I have a feeling I`ll be hearing the other chapters soon enough ne?
-covers Shin`s ears-

adina 03-19-2008 07:50 PM

I'll let you unbotton my shirt if you bring toshi
*evil grin*

what ff are we talking about?
I didn't read it did I?
*ish ashamed*

InsaneDoll 03-19-2008 07:55 PM

oh adi .. sometimes you`re just too sweet and innocent
but the innocent ones usually do it and shut up.
well not your case anyway.
(I don`t know how carry would feel to give Toshi for a spin .. gomen >_<.. but I highly doubt she`d mind that much. I mean it is you we`re talking about after all)

we were talking about the anatomy lessons buttercup`s taking .. from Dai.
imagine Dai as a teacher. bwahahahahaha
oki .. and so far their lessons have taken a pretty far course.

Obscene 03-19-2008 07:55 PM

I am lost as well!
But, if dir en grey is involved, well, I'll come around anyways. xP

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