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ajsnoopy 03-20-2008 01:33 AM

you all are just making me like Totchi more than I did! X3 he's so dang adorable in those past couple pics *melts*

still partial to Kaoru-kun though *faints* he is da shmex, most definitely ^__^

Obscene 03-20-2008 07:04 AM

Haha, if Kyo gets braces, that's fine with me. As long as he can still sing/scream, I'm good. xD

adina 03-20-2008 12:35 PM

*tries to keep her mind busy and not think of smexy toshi*
I found some adorable piccus with kyo <3333

nice abs and tushie

jrocker21 03-20-2008 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by DivineBled (Post 431780)
I believe he's getting them as well. I already told him, "that might be a bad idea. You see all the pain I have to go through, getting them changed every month? You don't want them, Kyo-kun, you're fine, they way you are......"

you had braces??

if kyo had to get braces for dental reasons then he should..
or if it's just to make his teeth straight.. there's no reason to get them.
but it's his choice so...*grins madly*.. if he gets them, i want see him with them!

i can barely see totchi with braces.. doesn't looks like he has any.

InsaneDoll 03-20-2008 02:44 PM

@_@ Kyo is getting braces as well?
-bashes head against desk-

jrocker21 03-20-2008 02:58 PM

c'mon blossom.. you don't think that's adorable??

InsaneDoll 03-20-2008 03:02 PM

but .. one of Kyo`s trademarks was his really adorkable crooked teeth.
just imagine how cute would his bites look like.

jrocker21 03-20-2008 03:16 PM

but if it's not for medical reasons.. he should not get them!
that's the only reason why i have mine.. otherwise i wouldn't have bothered with them.

InsaneDoll 03-20-2008 03:25 PM

shouldn`t braces for medical reasons be worn when you are like .. ahem younger?
(I had to get them too but it was too late.)
BWAHAHA .. we`re all here supposed to wear/wearing braces.
sweet ne?

jrocker21 03-20-2008 03:32 PM

don't know but i just got them..
i have to go now!

not that you mentioned it.. we are all braces dork..

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