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jrocker21 03-20-2008 05:20 PM

*hugs blossom and bubbles*

i know dai dai is a good teacher..
anatomy is an easy subject but i failed that class on purpose..
just like i'm gonna do with my exam.. so i can take a retake!
i'm such a tease!:D

OMG.. that piccu.. *licks screen*

InsaneDoll 03-20-2008 05:22 PM

I`m feeling so proud of mah uke. you turning several shades of red is oh so cute -takes a pic-

that really should have been my hand but ... damn it .. my jaw really dropped when I first saw that pic. mah pornstar.

you are such a tease now buttercup -gets squished in the hug-
I don`t see Dai complaining though ...

adina 03-20-2008 05:25 PM

*walks away of the thread and goes lick a toshi piccu*

jrocker21 03-20-2008 05:31 PM

what's there to complain about!:D
*pinches blossom's butt*

that piccu gets me everytime..*licks screen again*

adina 03-20-2008 05:35 PM

haha...let's see who'll you stare this time

just ignore the fact that toshi is having sex with his bass and look at kyo's crotch ..who's not that big anymore O.o

and again...ignore toshi >__<

InsaneDoll 03-20-2008 05:40 PM

uuuh. hentai buttercup -enjoys every minute of it-

-drags bubbles back-
come on .. pinch him .. I KNOW you want it.
edit: damn .. you reply so fast ... I still see his jr. really. I think my new glasses are special.
(actually I think I saw jr`s anyway. so hentai -pouts-)

that picture of him is ... is ... nosebleed-material. just like the following picture:

-licks lips and gropes buttercup-

jrocker21 03-20-2008 05:42 PM

*shakes head* disappointing kyo!

but totchi in tight blue jeans and a bass.. playing on stage!
wohoo.. live action some sort of porn!

adina 03-20-2008 05:49 PM

fcuk you both
you want porn
I'll give you porn

*rapes toshi HARD*
hah...I don't care anymore
you just teased me too much
mooo to you
hah...I did it
*ish relieved*

InsaneDoll 03-20-2008 05:51 PM

Kyo disappointing? hardly. I can actually imagine his jr spreeing out of its confinements and being all wheeee and stuff. or maybe not and it`s just meh bloody hormones >_<
but Shin`s legs ... I seriously hate that bag of his ... grrr

-slides her hands up someone`s legs-
oooooooh .. gomen buttercup.

I actually want more smut .. -waves banner-

ajsnoopy 03-20-2008 05:53 PM

totchi is definitely looking hot these days ;) thanks for those pics, adii XD *runs into cold shower*

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