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jrocker21 12-20-2007 08:48 PM

Dir en grey
so there was a thread for diru before but somehow it got deleted and now i'm making a new one cause it's DIR EN GREY for god's sake. and i absolutely love dir en grey, it's because of them i know jrock.^^
and basically i'm re-editing this whole first page and making it similiar to my other threads.
if you know me too well, you know that i'm just gonna use the OHP, wikipedia and last.fm to help me state who Dir en grey are!!

Dir en grey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dir en grey – Listen free at Last.fm

Downloads Here:
yeah right, i ain't posting all the downloads!! T__T;;
if you want them.. buy it or go to the request thread..*coughs* or PM me and i might be a saint and give them to you.

In Order of Picture:
Die(guitar)-claimed by me; jrocker21
Kaoru (薫)(guitar)-claimed by insanedoll
Kyo (京)(vocalist)-claimed by tooru
Toshiya(bass)-claimed by adina
Shinya(drums)-claimed by insanedoll

Kaicui 12-20-2007 08:51 PM

wow it did..wdf loL!? + i think my post count dropped to 2800s...i was in the 2900s yesterday lol

jrocker21 12-20-2007 08:53 PM

yeah, anything that idiot spammed in got deleted..
for instance, the request thread is also gone.

almost forgot again..


clairebear 12-20-2007 08:55 PM

ugh, thats stupid. they shouldnt have deleted the threads! :|

jrocker21 12-20-2007 08:59 PM

yup, but idk..i asked nan and kanji about it but they didn't know it got deleted..
i didn't even noticed that the diru thread got deleted as well until tooru asked about.
all i know is that the spammer spammed in the diru and request thread yesterday, and when they got deleted, my number of posts dropped.

chibibecci 12-20-2007 09:02 PM

Why didnt they just delete the posts?? :S not the threads

Tooru 12-20-2007 09:07 PM


n____n Haha, That is one JRock Birthday I will not forget. xDD

jrocker21 12-20-2007 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by chibibecci (Post 332206)
Why didnt they just delete the posts?? :S not the threads

maybe caused the spammer spammed alot. dk but it was crazy.


n____n Haha, That is one JRock Birthday I will not forget. xDD
i usually never forget any of diru's birthday but this time, i almost did..:(
i\'m happy it\'s die\'s birthday but at the same time, i\'m sad as well.

Tooru 12-20-2007 09:16 PM

Why are you sad about DieDie\'s brfday?

Dude Diru still hasn\'t shown up at my house. Grrrrrrr.

jrocker21 12-20-2007 09:27 PM

cause he\'s one year older now!!
aah, just the thought of him and the other diru boys...must not think about it!

are you talking about the decade albums?

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