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Miyavifan 02-23-2008 05:39 PM

oh... But he's in Moi Dix Mois still, right?

Touya 02-23-2008 05:46 PM

Yes, I thought Moi Dix Mois was as dead as Malice. I dunno what made me think that.

Miyavifan 02-23-2008 05:47 PM

Huh. *goes to make sure MDM is still around*

I would think they are.

check this out:

Madou Gathering Concert - The Moon's fifthNight
-Mana-sama Birthday-

Date: March 22,2008 

OPEN 17:00/ START 18:00 all standing 

Mon+amour(FC) Members     ¥4,500 (tax included) Drinks not included.
Mon+amour(FC) non Members  ¥5,500 Yen (tax included) Drinks not included.
info: HOT STUFF 03-5720-9999 (weekday16:00-19:00)

advanced reservations!!
Reservation time: December 27 ,~ 2008 through January 10, 23:00

Ok, I am now very confused.

In Beast of Blood, it sounds like Gackt singing, but in the PV it shows Klaha as the vocalist.

sugizo 02-27-2008 07:45 PM

i REALLY love mayonaka ni kawashita yakusoku
or well everything off f Bara no Sedou
but really everything is amazing
even the tetsu era stuff you just have to deal with it:D

Siroi 02-27-2008 10:00 PM

Gekka No Yasokyouku would have to be my favorite followed by either Transylvania or Mayonaka ni Kawashita Yakusoku (These are the names I know them by-could be wrong ><)

VisualKei 02-28-2008 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Miyavifan (Post 408825)
Madou Gathering Concert - The Moon's fifthNight
-Mana-sama Birthday-

Date: March 22,2008 

OPEN 17:00/ START 18:00 all standing 

Mon+amour(FC) Members     ¥4,500 (tax included) Drinks not included.
Mon+amour(FC) non Members  ¥5,500 Yen (tax included) Drinks not included.
info: HOT STUFF 03-5720-9999 (weekday16:00-19:00)

advanced reservations!!
Reservation time: December 27 ,~ 2008 through January 10, 23:00

*sniffles* I want to go...
I think someone should go there and bake Mana a cake. That would be wicked fun.
...a CHOCOLATE cake. With rainbow sprinkles.

Touya 02-28-2008 11:44 PM

The cake has to have blue icing on it. Blue is Mana's color.

VisualKei 02-29-2008 07:52 PM

I wish I could go. I would do that.
*curses self for living in New York, where nothing ever happens*

nossdesagel 03-03-2008 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by VisualKei (Post 414910)
*curses self for living in New York, where nothing ever happens*

Try living in Colorado. A million miles from everything that happens. *pouts profusely*

pockydeluxe 03-07-2008 01:42 AM

The first time I saw Malice Mizer, Was The P.V. for "Beast of Blood", I had heard of Gakt before listening to Malice Mizer , I was thinking I would see him on the vid ,but this other guy(klaha) is singing lead, but none the less, I loved the song and then looked up their history and had learned all about them. So, even though they no longer exist as a band , I still love them and the music they make.:vsign:

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