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Tordek42 07-04-2009 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Miyavifan (Post 741424)
I checked the thread... he's not listed as un-claimable, but I think he should be, for the same reason as hide can't be claimed.
be sure to PM NanteNa people. :)

Yea that's what I thought...
I've PM'ed NanteNa like 3 or 4 times and she hasn't put my claims in

Miyavifan 07-05-2009 06:24 PM

Nan's like that. not on much.

HarlequinVanity 07-20-2009 01:54 AM

I really enjoyed their movie that they made, I think it's the one where Gackt was in, pretty interesting move I'd say so.

Natchan 07-20-2009 09:29 PM

I really REALLY adore Malice Mizer, in all its forms! As much as I liked the Gackt Era however, the short lived Klaha era was my Favorite.

This is because I LOVE Klaha though.

My favorite Malice Mizer song is Beast of Blood! So cool

I'm currently on the hunt for their movie "Bridal of Rose", so if anyone finds it online, please let me know!

I really miss Kami, and thought that he was one Hell of a drummer no!?

Right, so Malice MIzer Rocks (thats right, ROCKS STILL, not rocked)!

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