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NaruNaruChan 06-14-2008 02:55 PM

Versailles is awesome! I love this band ever since I read about them in Cure and my friend never stopped playing their music whenever I went over to her house^^

Drend 06-14-2008 07:53 PM

It's the same with me xD I keep them on loop every so often.

Touya 06-15-2008 01:24 AM

My ITunes randoms through my music... so...... I rarely hear Versailles unless I single them out. It's a shame really.

Drend 06-15-2008 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Touya (Post 514596)
My ITunes randoms through my music... so...... I rarely hear Versailles unless I single them out. It's a shame really.

Soon! Their new album will get here eventually, and then you'll have a full CD of songs to listen to :D

Touya 06-15-2008 02:31 PM

Yes. I can't wait. It will be awesome.

Drend 07-01-2008 12:30 AM

Playlist for Noble!


02.Aristocrat’s Symphony
03.Antique in the Future
04.Second Fear – Another Descendant-
06.After Cloudia
08.The Revenant Choir (new take)
09.to The Chaos Inside
11.History of The Other Side

Aristocrat’s Symphony

Drend 07-10-2008 02:23 AM

Us Versailles fans are pretty lucky.

Here's the news straight from the Tainted Reality website.

The World Broadcast Debut Of Versailles’ Nobel This Thursday
July 8, 2008

This week on a very special edition of Tainted Reality, we will be hosting the official world broadcast debut of Versailles’ long awaited first full-length album, Nobel. During the show, we will air every single track from the album, and be giving away information on how you can pick up the album. And, as an added bonus, we will be airing various comments from each of the band members, given exclusively to TR. Be sure to tune in to this event this Thursday, July 10th, at 8pm Eastern, 5pm Pacific!

And to add to that!

Major Versailles Announcement To Be Made Tomorrow Night

During our debut of Versailles’ brand new album Noble tomorrow night, we will be making a major Versailles announcement. What could it be? Tune in tomorrow night to find out!


I can't wait until tomorrow! Be sure to set those alarms to remind you! I can't wait to hear the major announcement. I have my fingers crossed for a real US tour.

Touya 07-10-2008 11:09 AM

Rumor has it Versailles will be at PMX in November.

showmutt93 07-10-2008 08:22 PM

Just got their new cd and its freaking awesome.

Drend 07-11-2008 12:09 AM

D: Where'd you get it?


Tainted Reality

Up top, click the radio, for some reason it won't work on Firefox, but I have a Mac, so it might be me. Try IE, or Safari if you're a Mac user.

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