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Touya 01-21-2009 01:58 AM

>sigh< Jasmine needs a new hat. Someone buy him a new hat. That one is killing me...

jdragon 02-05-2009 10:43 AM

kinda random question ~
does anyone know if Kamijo is dating anyone or anything?
I haven't been updating myself on Versailles very much anymore, sadly...
& I wonder if his wife's death is still affecting him or if he's okay with it now..
he could be really happy if he met someone else, ya know?
I hope he's okay by now. . . & I hope he gets back out there~
I suppose I just want him to be happy. .& complete. Maybe he doesn't need anyone else though~idk~ But, he is just so gorgeous in so many ways~I'd hate to know that he's missing out on something. . .or that he may, in fact, be dating & I know nothing about it! lol
I don't really see him as someone who talks about such things though~
So, perhaps no one else knows either!>_<

sasuke91 02-05-2009 12:28 PM

whaaaa? kamijo had a wife who died?? ive never herd that b4 where did you hear that from?

jdragon 02-05-2009 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Miyavifan (Post 371191)
I noticed there doesn't seem to be a thread for them...

So, now there is.

I was doing some searching for Kamijo pics and stuff, and found this.

It seems he was married. It's very sad what happened.

Urban Dictionary: Lareine

It's an old article, but still. It's new to me.

I've heard it before from videos on Youtube. . . but its also found in the link at
the beginning of this thread ~ hence the quote thats found above these words~lol
idk. . . maybe its just a rumor~a very sad one. . . that'd be better than it being real!

Miyavifan 02-05-2009 05:11 PM

I would hope for it not to be true, as well.
Though I'm just going to figure it is true.

I guess though, if he had a site, and it was mentioned, that would be more reliable?

As for him dating. It might be good if he is, but I doubt we'll know about it?

jdragon 02-05-2009 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Miyavifan (Post 672597)
I would hope for it not to be true, as well.
Though I'm just going to figure it is true.

I guess though, if he had a site, and it was mentioned, that would be more reliable?

As for him dating. It might be good if he is, but I doubt we'll know about it?

I'd be so relieved if it wasn't. . .like really relieved!
& more dependable sources would most def. help with this matter. lol
. . .yeah, I don't think he's the kinda person who'll just talk about who he's dating~! Which is good!

AsianAtHeart 02-05-2009 05:21 PM

Kamijo dating.....wouldn't that be interesting.


I have a feeling the thing about his wife dying being true at some level, but, as fans, we must respect his privacy.

I'd be happy if he found a woman that compliments his gourgeousness, his voice is too perfect for me to go all angry-fangirly over him seeing someone, anyway.

Miyavifan 02-05-2009 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by jdragon (Post 672601)

I'd be so relieved if it wasn't. . .like really relieved!
& more dependable sources would most def. help with this matter. lol
. . .yeah, I don't think he's the kinda person who'll just talk about who he's dating~! Which is good!

So would I.
I can see what I can find, if anything.

I don't think so either. He deserves some private things.

@ asian

I agree.

YoshimiTheEthereal 02-06-2009 03:38 AM

jdragon, dearest, what videos did you find of it on YouTube? Just curious. I want to help investigate! I'll start now! ;)

YoshimiTheEthereal 02-06-2009 04:32 AM

Okay! I have found our answers! Go here:

Bonjour Honey~ :: View topic - Kamijo was married?

It pretty much explains how 98% of that article is false. Fanfiction. Horrible lies. Audrey was the name of a song. Nothing more. Here are some highlights I found for you from that forum:

"As for Audrey...that's interesting. inertia would probably know better, but I've never heard that myself. If it were true, one would imagine that New Sodmy's song "Audrey" would have been very moving to Kamijo then, but I don't recall him ever breaking up during it."

This crazy article is back !!! XD
(Some years ago, someone on Lareine 'LJ ' page posted this and asked about the "Audrey story" already ^^)
It's nothing more than a stupid injection of fanfic into a "supposed to be serious" article that is moreover as quoted by geikou, full of mistakes ^^;
Just forget about it and remember that Audrey was simply the name of one of new Sodmy 'songs."

"I was going to ask the same thing, I saw the same article. But I thought the whole Audrey story sounded like fan fiction. For one thing, the story has the band writing messages to Kamijo's dead wife in the booklet to "The last of Romance"; I have the deluxe edition, and the messages aren't there. And if I were Kamijo, I'd veto the idea if my bandmates or record label came up with something that silly. I think it would make for uncomfortable reading, I've never seen anything like that on any record sleeve ever."

I hope that helps everyone! It helped me! ;) And I was so sad and moved by that tragic story all this time . . .

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