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TalnSG 04-09-2008 07:29 PM

Versailles in Texas

Originally Posted by VisualKei (Post 409265)
Hah. That's funny. I should request them <333

ARGH! Versailles is playing in Texas coming up, and I can't go! *sobs*

Thanks to A-Kon. Sorry you'll miss them.
I will probably be the oldest fan in the audience :rolleyes:
- unless they have grandparents with them! But that's ok.

Touya 04-09-2008 10:05 PM

You can buy Versailles music on TaintedReality.net

Go buy there. And its cheaper then importing!

orewasenshi 04-13-2008 12:15 AM

i Claim Teru And Yuki~

Touya 04-14-2008 01:58 AM

A little birdie told me Versailles will be coming back to perform on the East Coast. The little birdie just didn't say when.

Drend 04-14-2008 02:30 AM

I really hope they play The Revenant Choir and Shout & Bites at A-Kon. Those have to be my two favorite songs by them. I think I'll buy a CD on Tainted Reality, since the ones I see at cons are 30+ dollars (Crazy, right?) I hope they have photosets by then too.

Touya 04-15-2008 10:40 PM

Tainted Reality actually manages the band, so buying from there is like buying directly from them. How many they sell reflects on whether or not they'll come back. Tell everyone, go buy their cd.

sasuke91 04-16-2008 05:46 AM

[quote=Drend;459682]I really hope they play The Revenant Choir and Shout & Bites at A-Kon. Those have to be my two favorite songs by them.QUOTE]

my favourite song would be, The Red Carpet Day ^_^ :rheart: :rheart:

whats everyone elses favourite song by them ??

Touya 04-17-2008 01:22 AM

Aristocrat's Symphony is my favorite.

Drend 04-23-2008 05:47 PM

Did anyone else notice on the "A Noble Was Born in the Chaos" single their sound has seemed to change, drastically? I like it a lot, I just hope they switch between styles every so often and don't keep just this new one.

VisualKei 04-24-2008 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Touya (Post 459649)
A little birdie told me Versailles will be coming back to perform on the East Coast. The little birdie just didn't say when.

OH MY GOD! *crosses fingers for New York*

My favorite song by them is... probably Beast of Desire. I like the chorus, so prettyyyyyy.

I really want to see them live! That would be so much fun! *forcibly cuddles Jasmine <3*

EDIT: On Tainted Reality's download section, they have an interview with Versailles! All their voices are soooo cute! ^_^

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