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Rachaaaal 05-01-2008 02:18 AM

AHAHAHA! *points and laughs* I AM going to see them at A-Kon in May! XP I'm so excited. I'm going to try so hard not to turn into a rabid fangirl when I meet them. Erg. I wish I knew Japanese because I really want to say something to them. D: You think I can bribe the security guys to let me be in the 1st row? XD

You paid $32 for Lyrical Sympathy? o.o Wow. I bought mine at an anime store for $15.

Touya 05-01-2008 11:51 PM

>slaps new kid around<

You aren't allowed to make fun of those with seniority.

I've talked to Management and I think there are no cameras allowed at AKon. You can fan girl all you want. You'll only have memories so there.

Rachaaaal 05-02-2008 02:08 AM

Oh wow. I just read what I wrote. -w-;;; The word "not" was supposed to be in that sentence. I actually feel bad for them. All those screaming fangirls...I can only imagine what they're going to have to go through. D: And why are you being so rude, I was just kidding. Damn. <_<

TalnSG 05-02-2008 06:29 PM

[quote=Rachaaaal;478899]AHAHAHA! *points and laughs* I AM going to see them at A-Kon in May! XP I'm so excited. I'm going to try so hard not to turn into a rabid fangirl when I meet them. Erg. I wish I knew Japanese because I really want to say something to them. D: You think I can bribe the security guys to let me be in the 1st row? XD

Go ahead and be "rabid fangirl"! :D

I intend to embarrass my younger friends A-kon (the ones too shy to wear anything other than jeans and t-shirts). The old goth/metal/leather is out of the trunk and Taln will be in full gear for the first time in over a decade. :vsign:
Maybe if the crowd shrinks away from me I can lead you to the front. Mwahahahaha..........

Rachaaaal 05-02-2008 09:17 PM

Errrg... no. What I really meant to say was: "I'm going to try so hard not to turn into a rabid fangirl when I meet them." Honest typo. <_<;;;

Touya 05-03-2008 01:58 AM


Leather. Very nice. I pulled out my leather corset of RToC, it's only fitting to deck up for AKon too... Take a picture of your outfit okay?

TalnSG 05-05-2008 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Touya (Post 480801)

Leather. Very nice. I pulled out my leather corset of RToC, it's only fitting to deck up for AKon too... Take a picture of your outfit okay?

The roommate is already on notice that there better be at least one good pic of every outfit I wear at A-Kon, or his camera is going to be temporarily confiscated along and he will have to listen to my taiko practice everyday.:cool:

xcfreeride 05-08-2008 05:48 AM

Visual-Kei ~Versailles~

Drend 05-23-2008 01:29 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Sorta hard to tell what I'm asking with just these pictures, but has anyone ever noticed the thing Hizaki does with his neck/head? Every so often he'll nod or move his neck sideways like he's trying to pop it/has a crick in it when he plays, and he does it a LOT. Does anyone know why? Sometimes it looks like he's keeping rhythm by doing it, but I really can't tell.

Another story since this is, of course, the Versailles thread. My English teacher learned earlier into the year that my friend and I are both REALLY into anime and j-rock. She seemed so fascinated by our dedication to it and wondered why it was so great. Of course, I listen to Dir en Grey, Unsraw, and Screw as well, and she didn't like them and almost dismissed it (not in a rude way, but more of a "this isn't my type of thing" kind of way) I asked her to watch the Revenant Choir PV, and she was like...
[size=6]o_______o[size=2]THE WHOLE TIME! She told us that they were beautiful women (Forgot to explain visual kei to the best of my ability to her, so I explained it and she surprisingly understood it, which not even most of my friends do). I was just amazed that she liked it. She seemed fascinated at the whole otaku thing and how I can manage keeping a grip on reality as well ;;>_>

Can't wait for A-kon, etc etc, I'm probably entering the cosplay contest since they get seats near the front, and I'll hope they don't move us out to set up for the concert xD

Miyavifan 05-24-2008 06:31 PM

oh... posted at their myspace, about pictures:


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