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Drend 05-24-2008 07:31 PM

;__; Nooo~ An autograph will have to do I guess. I always wonder why bands don't allow photography. I hope they'll at least have photosets or those stickers on the Tainted Reality sites. Maybe posters or something.

Miyavifan 05-24-2008 08:01 PM

That was my reaction. Not that I could go anyway... less they are coming to Minnesota.

I hope they would.

Drend 05-25-2008 04:17 AM

Taken from their Myspace-

About prohibition for taking photos

Dear all,

We have currently received a tons of emails about a question for the blog we posted which was for prohibision of taking photos.

The band really wants to keep our fans happy but some people are letting them down....we have found out that some people are selling the band's photos without a permission- for a purpose to earn some money. It really hurts the members heart.So we had to made a decision like this.

I so hope you understand. Versailles will promise to give you happy times at the shows!



So I guess that's why there's no pictures x___x

Touya 05-25-2008 04:31 PM

I wouldn't worry about the picture thing too much. You know people will be sneaking in cameras and cell phones. And Tainted Reality will probably have a photographer there anyways.

Miyavifan 05-25-2008 06:28 PM

@ Drend

I just saw that, and was about to post it.

@ Touya... yeah people will probably will at least try, but maybe they'll get their cameras and such confiscated, if they do?

What do you think?

Drend 05-25-2008 07:28 PM

Maybe during the autograph sessions if you ask them for a picture with them they'll say OK to it. I don't really see why they have to enforce that rule over here though, since this is their first time as a group in America, and obviously no one here has done that yet.

Miyavifan 05-25-2008 07:51 PM

I hope they would do that.

But didn't it say even then it's not allowed? Those pics can be sold too.

That's a good point, I think, maybe.

Touya 05-25-2008 08:18 PM

It is a good point. I would hate to think that people are making money off of our JRockers illegally and getting away with it. Makes my blood boil. Then the rest of us have to suffer and lose privileges too.

Generally during autographs if you ask for a photo they might. I know MUCC did but I'm not sure about Versailles.

Miyavifan 05-25-2008 08:24 PM

I'd hate it too.

I hope they will at least do that. I don't know if they're coming to Minnesota, at all, though?

Drend 05-25-2008 09:59 PM

So far, I think it's just A-Kon and LA.

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