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Miyavifan 01-24-2008 02:29 AM

I noticed there doesn't seem to be a thread for them...

So, now there is.

I was doing some searching for Kamijo pics and stuff, and found this.

It seems he was married. It's very sad what happened.

Urban Dictionary: Lareine

It's an old article, but still. It's new to me.

Touya 01-24-2008 02:58 AM

I like Versailles. I like Lareine too.

There's a really good Versailles fan fic around here some where....

>goes to look<

VisualKei 01-25-2008 08:30 PM

Yay! Finally, a Versailles thread! *clings to Miyavifan*

I made one awhile back but it got deleted and I'm not sure why.

I'm a giant fan of Versailles, Hizaki Grace Project, Lareine, Jakura... basically everything that's ever had to do with the Versailles boys. And I just read that article on Kamijo and his wife a few days ago... it was so sad. And weird, because I was holding my infant neice on my lap as I read it, and she has the same name as Kamijo's wife. xD

Miyavifan 01-25-2008 08:41 PM

oh... I hope I'll be able to read the fanfic.

huh.... I wish that thread were still here... ah, well.

Two of those I hadn't heard of.

that is weird.

VisualKei 01-25-2008 08:44 PM

Hizaki Grace Project-- A really great band with Hizaki on guitar (obviously), Teru on another guitar, and Jasmine You as the bass.
YouTube - Hizaki Grace Project - Philosopher [PV]

Lareine-- A band with Kamijo as the vocalist. Just started getting into them, but it's really good. If you listen to some of their early music, it's really hard to believe that the singer is Kamijo!
YouTube - Lareine - Setsurenka PV

Jakura-- A band with Jasmine You as the bass player. I haven't found much on them yet...
YouTube - Jakura - Rojiura Gypsy
EDIT// I nearly forgot. Watch this vid, and pay special attention at 00:23 xDDD

Have you all been fortunate enough to get your hands on Lyrical Symphony? I have, it's great :D

Miyavifan 01-26-2008 05:09 PM

I haven't got it. There's still so much other stuff I need to get first.

Thank you for the info and links. :)

VisualKei 01-26-2008 09:42 PM

I found a great site where the tracks are uploaded, it's definately worth a listen.

yamipandora: Rotation #99!

Miyavifan 01-26-2008 09:46 PM

wow.... That'll keep me busy. for a while.

Oh My Gackt!!!

I got a comment from Versailles on my Myspace. Though maybe it's an interpreter, or something?

But still. It's very exciting.

Here's the comment:

VisualKei 02-23-2008 10:45 PM

Hah. That's funny. I should request them <333

ARGH! Versailles is playing in Texas coming up, and I can't go! *sobs*

Miyavifan 02-23-2008 10:46 PM

actually, it's cute, I think. *nods* You should.

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