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PockyMePink 12-04-2008 01:16 AM

Suicide Ali
I don't think I've seen a thread about this band yet. If there is one, forgive me ^^'

Suicide Ali is a band I came across just recently. They're quite new, and I love em!

Here's a sample of their music:
YouTube - Suicide Ali - This New Order

Anyone here like them? Or at least heard of them? ^0^

jdragon 12-07-2008 02:22 AM

The song I first heard was "This New Order" ~
& I thought they sounded . . . different.
I didn't think the vocals were all that outstanding
or anything, but . . . yeah, I like em~
they grow on u after awhile~^^

HongKongPanda 12-08-2008 12:17 AM

They are one of my fav bands. They are awesome. A damn hot unique music style ^^

xkaix 12-09-2008 06:32 AM

SUICIDE ALI<3 Yessum I've heard of them. :3 My first song was.."Ningen no Kaname" and yeah they are a new band! : ] i Love them too♥ ^.^@PockyChan And you've seen them in L.A.? or.. am i mistaken.. ?__? But if you did your soo lucky!! =D

Visualxake 01-14-2009 10:45 AM

Yes. More people should be listening to this band. They have a wierd sound, but its a good kind of weird. The singer took a minute to get used to, but then i really started to like it. The first song i heard was fuefuki douji

jdragon 01-18-2009 01:44 AM

I have really come to love this band.
they're amazing~^^
Goshi is my favorite...he's cute during live performances. haha

Miyavifan 06-22-2009 05:49 PM

Suicide Ali
My Photos Photo Gallery - Photo 1 of 63 by Suicide Ali - MySpace Photos


Suicide Ali on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

SUICIDE ALI official web site

are there other fans here?

oh... and new news!

They have a new member. please welcome him here:
MySpace.com Blogs - Suicide Ali MySpace Blog

jdragon 06-27-2009 06:07 PM

there's an old Suicide Ali thread here somewhere...I swear! cuz cuz I commented on it^^

Miyavifan 06-29-2009 06:24 PM

I searched, and nothing came up.

ok.. I searched again, and now they come up. I think JF must still have glitches.

spoonybard 11-26-2009 05:32 PM

OK, people, Suicide Ali will be releasing their first DVD, titled Aoi Ookami ga Mita Zekkei on the twenty third of December. It includes the PV for Aoi Ookami ga Mita Zekkei, which is from their first full length, Daiyon no Waltz. It also includes two songs that were recorded live at Tokyo and Osaka, and these two songs are Rebandyisyu ringu and Tadashii mahou no tsukurikata, and a 12 page booklet.

The DVD is limited to 300 copies and will cost $21.00 at the Tainted Reality store. It will be pre-sold at their live and at the Tainted Reality online store on 11/27.

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