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clairebear 02-04-2009 07:10 PM

I like Hey Say Jump. They're all so cute (I dont just care about their looks, before someone scolds me for saying they're cute. :rolleyes:) and "Dreams come true" is so damn catchy ¬_¬

Pexster 02-04-2009 07:14 PM

KAT-TUN !!!!!

pixisticks 02-20-2009 12:49 AM

Ha! I knew this thread had to exist somewhere. x3 I'm a KAT-TUN girl, but I like pretty much all the bands. ...Except for K8. They scare me a little.

Yessica 02-20-2009 02:57 PM

KAT-TUN or Arashi. I don't know but i voted for Arashi, Cuz that PV of Truth is so cool XD.
But on the other hand One Drop <3 mmh ¬¬

Anveena 03-04-2009 07:24 PM

KAT-TUN I like their songs... and i also Like Hey! Say! JUMP ;>

lilmermaid 05-30-2009 02:56 PM

Arashi is The best je boyband ever!! *_*

yuichii130 07-25-2009 09:00 AM

My fav johnnys jimusho's band
ME LOVE HEY! SAY! JUMP! >////< :marusmile:
the reasons;

- they got aweseome songs ! ;D
- younger and kawaii~ >w<
-a lil older from me. [except for ryutaro]

p/s: to be honest , im fourteen youngster~ x) hehe~ :D

shojobeateve 08-08-2009 09:14 PM

Arashi and V6 all the way for me.
I love Arashi:rheart:

junko44 08-14-2009 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 668615)
I like KAT-TUN O_O
Their latest works have been AWESOME.

Especially Jin's solo-song, ''LOVEJUICE'' and the song it came with ''DON'T U EVER STOP''.

have you ever head "Kizuna"? it's one of Kamenashi-san's old songs, but i'm absolutely in love with it. the live version where they all sing it is actually better in my opinion.

nanda 08-15-2009 04:01 PM

i vote for NEWS haha been a crazy fangirl of tegoshi yuya before though i prefer korean boybands now haha :))

@junko44 i like kame's "someday for somebody" better than "kizuna". esp. the performance in cartoon KATTUN II you concert.

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