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momoxai 08-18-2009 03:51 AM

NEWS!!! :D :D
Massu <3

Oh, and another band might have to be added to that list?
The scary Yuma kid and the cute Kansai boys.

Gosh, he's freaky >.<
But he can sing....and has a good stage presence....
Stupid Johnny, debuting an unknown junior group D:

(BAD! Kisumai! ABC! Where are you????)

nanoosh 01-27-2010 06:26 PM

i'm crazy about arashi

in fact i'm all over them i love them soo much

love their show their drama their movies

their songs their PVs

and the most important thing i love their relationship together

they are like 5 brothers

i love this band because of their strong ties and relationship with each other and we can see that in most of arashi's TV shows

style197 02-04-2010 08:55 AM

Support the NEWS strongly,especially Roy chan.

xYinniex 02-04-2010 12:41 PM

I feel well old school, I do love the first 4 [smap maybe not so much!]

RoseeN 06-10-2010 05:44 AM

My favorite Johnny's band is the Arashi.
Then KAT-TUN (Kame <3) and Kanjani8 are coming close second. Both of them.^^

Otherwise, I like all the others but Tokio... and especially KinKi Kids and NewS

Anemone 06-10-2010 02:53 PM

I'm not much into such pop-ish music, but I do love arashi ^_^.

Seele 08-04-2010 10:07 AM

Yay! KAT-TUN are the 1st! :vsign:
I like them, because they aren't just sweet j-pop, but they combine different styles. For example, their new song "No More Pain" is such an angst & is rythmic, but hard (love it!:rheart: )
And also they dance great, they're very positive (who watched Cartoon KAT-TUN knows it XD), hardworking, they have breathtaking tours & yeah, they're handsome (of course, since I'm a girl that's a big deal XDDD). :mtongue:
Kame & Maru nyaaa~ =D

But other bands are also cool. Kanjani8 make me rofl for hours :D NEWS are too sweet for me, but Tego's voice is omg. In Arashi Ohno Satoshi is my love, but also all of them are nice.

I'm listening to j-pop much more than to all other music. I guess I've fallen in love with the language because of the songs. They sound so beautiful! *__*:rheart:

Achii 06-24-2011 03:59 PM

NEWS is the best (vo me)
NEWS is :rheart:
Tego introduced me to NEWS :)
I think his voice is wonderful..

KamiKyosuke 08-14-2011 06:29 AM

I would have to say Arashi. They're music is pretty catchy. They're good singers, dancers, actors, and they're pretty funny. It's not really suprising how popular they are.

CuriousTeaParty 10-16-2011 11:15 AM

Arashi fan here. Used to be a fan of SMAP, but only for their variety shows, not for the music. :P

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