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carry 05-02-2007 07:13 PM

fanservice <3
*cheers for aoi and rei*
go go aoi go go rei x333

Jo_Kittie 05-02-2007 07:15 PM

I wish GazettE would be more fanservice-ish. Take Fatima for an example. :x

Uxintatei 05-02-2007 11:35 PM

I know I'm reaaaaallly late in this forum...
But I like The GazettE... xD

obscureLOVE 05-02-2007 11:37 PM

welcome welcome it's never too late ~_^*
*throws you candy*

Uxintatei 05-02-2007 11:39 PM

*munches on candy, ish very happeh*
Thank you. ^^
*passes a cookie in your direction*

obscureLOVE 05-02-2007 11:41 PM

thankies *eats cookie*
ano...i shall give you name *smiles*
uxi-can yaaay *jumps*
ano...who's you favourit from gazette??*

Uxintatei 05-02-2007 11:46 PM

Oh no...
I can never answer that question...
I like all of them equally for their reasons...
Ruki's sexy shortness
Uru's thighs (OMG! I love them! ^^)
Aoi's arms and he's so funny ^^
Reita's nosesock and I like his voice
And Kai's just so cute and silly! ^^
I luff all of them equally.

obscureLOVE 05-02-2007 11:50 PM

i anderstand you...heh
but still...they're all so freaking hot ..but i will have to pick KAI i mean he's just aaaaa silly thingy ...for cuddling *giggles*
okies and reita couse i adore his bandana it's just HOT!!!

Uxintatei 05-02-2007 11:55 PM

I luff Kai's dimples. Yey! ^^
And indeed, it is hot.
If I had to pick though I would have to pick Aoi.
He's just so smexy! xD
I saw a pic of him from my friend and was like "OMG! Who's that?!"
He's the reason I first started listening to them. lol
*fangirlish love-sigh*
Anyways.... yeah... *giggle*

obscureLOVE 05-03-2007 12:07 AM

aw aw awwwww
aoi-chan *giggles* i would say that he has perfect lips...
awww what do you think of hyena?? do you like the video??:D

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