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Uxintatei 05-03-2007 12:09 AM

Yes... he does... *daydreams*
OMG! I've heard the song all the way and I love it but every single time I try to watch the video, I get interrupted....
*tries to cheat karma and goes to watch it*

obscureLOVE 05-03-2007 12:11 AM

haha poor you...X3333
i hope you can wach it in peace this time *grin*

Sydney 05-03-2007 04:28 AM


I just realized what I wanted to ask.

What does reila mean?

Uxintatei 05-03-2007 04:31 AM

I'm not sure of what it means...
But it's the chick's name that Ruki wrote about...
... *goes off to try and find the meaning of Reila*

Sydney 05-03-2007 04:35 AM

Annnddd does anyone have the zetsu english lyrics?

Uxintatei 05-03-2007 04:38 AM

No, I do not.
But, "Rei" means departed soul, or ghost.
So the "la" is just something added onto that...
I'm guessing...
Cause "la" has no meaning...
I tried my hardest. :D

Sydney 05-03-2007 07:39 AM

Since la has no meaning maybe it means a person lost without purpose, kind of like how those depressive and suicidal sometimes feel that they have none.

Maybe I'm digging way too far into that.

Uxintatei 05-03-2007 04:27 PM

Agh, I dunno
That's a good interpretation, I'm gonna go with that. ^^
Better than mine...

NanteNa 05-03-2007 04:29 PM

O___O'' Wauuuw... *never thought of that*

That's just brillant... *loves Ruki-lyrics*
He's sooo talented!!

carry 05-03-2007 04:38 PM

yep he sure is talented...and he's MINE
nana-chan i'm warning you hands off x33

wakaremichi and cassis has the best lyrics <33
ohhhh and filth in the beauty xD

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