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Miyavifan 07-25-2009 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 751746)
Damn right I will. ^^v

Yup, Reita-desu.
I've come to like his arrogant badboy-attitude.

Sounds like a plan to me. :D


Originally Posted by Jo_Kittie (Post 751963)
I was listening to Silly God Disco at the time. Singing along, y'know. ;o

ah, I see.

Doihaa 07-25-2009 08:36 PM

Hi everyone...
I need some help

I want to know which songs were made by each one of the members of the band...

I already know the composer of DIM,Stacked Rubbish and Disorder's songs... and I know the composer of Without a Trace and Hole...but What about the other songs???

If someone knows, please let me know :o

Thanks a lot, and sorry for my english u.u

Kufufunofu 07-25-2009 10:09 PM

^srry i don't know :pinkbow:

about DIM..
did you guys listen to 13STAIRS[-]1
their all screaming together ^-^
hehehe i love it!

lself 07-26-2009 06:17 AM

jokittie@ well, you know what they say about big feet...

kufufunofu@ I like that one^ But my two favorites that I hadn't heard before would definitely be DIM scene and In the Middle of Chaos.

NanteNa 07-26-2009 05:16 PM

I only remember that Uruha composed the.. aishh.. what was the name.. Ahh! ''Linda ~candy dive pinky heaven~''

Also, something that makes me wonder.. Pretty much EVERYWHERE, the lame of the lyrics-writer is NOT Ruki. O_O I don't get it.. It's officially said that he writes the lyrics, but why is another name written?

lself 07-27-2009 01:19 AM

Yeah, I was trying to look that up, but...I couldn't really find it out. I read an interview with Kai, though, and he definitely said that Ruki writes all the lyrics.

Riskki 07-27-2009 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 752649)

Also, something that makes me wonder.. Pretty much EVERYWHERE, the lame of the lyrics-writer is NOT Ruki. O_O I don't get it.. It's officially said that he writes the lyrics, but why is another name written?

Maybe the name written is Ruki's real name instead of his stage name?

I bought the limited edition one and i was just wandering if anyone else had and if they have seen the video, why none of the band show their faces when they are doing the *making of DIM* ??

its a good album though, and i like the way Guren is back on the album with a slight change to how he sings a line! :)

Jo_Kittie 07-27-2009 03:35 PM

What happened to this awsomes thread's posts? I r sad kittie. :c

NanteNa 07-27-2009 03:56 PM

I looked up Ruki's REAL name too, and it's not the one. Even written in Kanji that's not the one. I know that the guys used to name their band something else (for fun, like Nightmare did) but that still has nothing to say.. Ahh, it's confusing.

Honestly, I have no idea what you're talking about Riskki, cause for some reason I didn't watch it yet.. O_O which is weird. *slaps self*

Aww Kittie. <3

Kufufunofu 07-28-2009 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by Riskki (Post 753154)
Maybe the name written is Ruki's real name instead of his stage name?

I bought the limited edition one and i was just wandering if anyone else had and if they have seen the video, why none of the band show their faces when they are doing the *making of DIM* ??

its a good album though, and i like the way Guren is back on the album with a slight change to how he sings a line! :)

yeah i was like why can't we see their beautiful faces! ><
but i love that i could watch the invisible wall in clearly! in high quality ^_^

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