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Jo_Kittie 04-07-2007 05:31 PM

Yep.. Actullay I allways forget they're around thirty, and instead I think they're twenty, my easy catch.. yummy n_n

carry - I'm soon about to celebrate my... 200th post.. Want me to post it here? n_n

carry 04-07-2007 07:10 PM

yaaaaaaaaaay 200th post
good job xD
*gives you candies*

Jo_Kittie 04-07-2007 07:14 PM

thank you n_n .. I posted it in hide's thread <3

How can you have 1000 posts when you registered last month? o_o man.. that must be called Japan-obsessie otherwise I'm stupid.

carry 04-08-2007 02:03 AM

ohhh goodies
come here my poor little thingie
*takes aoi and puts him beetwen her and ruki*

okay now ruki seriously...do you have an explanation for this?? :3

Jo_Kittie 04-08-2007 02:07 AM

Subs:Ruki: "Reita, sweetie, may I draw a flower on your hand? I promise to make it pink..."
Reita: "Only if you keep your hands off me!"
Ruki: "..."

My inner eye can sense Ruki's not straight. He didn't respond to your ass touchie for example... xD

carry 04-08-2007 02:12 AM

i knew it was something wrong with that xD
"RUKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII come here right now"
*ruki makes an innocent expresion on his face*
"that's not helping i'm really angry now" xDD
*he makes an even sadder face*
"okay i forgive you for grabbing rei's hand"
*hugs ruki*

ummm one more thing....don't stand so close to reita ever again...GOT IT!
"yes mam" xDDD

Jo_Kittie 04-08-2007 02:45 AM

Retia has got a hard on in that pic. o_o RUKI'S FOR CARRY!! LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU C*CKS*KING BASTARD!!!

What? Yelling, moi? No nono... it was... But, Uru, honey boney... Why? No. Of course! -puts Ruru in lap- -looks into his mouth.. Eyes! I totally meant his eyes- Ruki's gold pants don't turn me on. Did you hear that carry? THEY DON'T!!! *cough*

And I'm sorry but I have to sleep xD Good night! -drags Ruru to bed- Have nice dreams about... whatever. I mean, I left you alone woth four guys, eh. ~

carry 04-08-2007 02:50 AM

yup i heard that...they do not turn you on xDD
and yea you meant eyes [hahaha]
but they turn me on...raaaawrrrrrrrrrr

okay hunnie
good night...take care of uru xD
i'll handle these guys *grabs ruki and aoi and takes then to bed then handsuffs kai and rei together and goes to bed beetwen ruki and aoi*
xDDD *something grabs her ass*
i think we'll censore from here on...awwwwwwwwwww *censore*

Jo_Kittie 04-08-2007 02:40 PM

LOL .. I was asleep until an hour ago when my mom woke me up o_o

Anyhow, Uru left me ;___; ... He said he saw Kyo down the street and had to "talk" to him... I don't think so young man! <_<

carry 04-08-2007 03:03 PM

no way...they can "talk" some other time xDD
well aoi and ruki are here but they're completly exhausted...^^
and well rei and kai are handuffed together and i lost the keys...wooops

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