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AoiLove 09-26-2009 03:26 PM

yay! uraha! finally! here in arizona,no one even know who they are and it is horrible! i have 5 friends that know uraha and his amazing thighs! :) :rheart:

Miyavifan 09-26-2009 03:50 PM

(it's Uruha)

@ Nan... 100 dollars!? wha!?

NanteNa 09-26-2009 09:00 PM

Mf@ Yeah I know. It's freaking insane! They're just REALLY milking it now. >_>'' I'm pissed! And the release is near christmas. WTH is wrong with them?!

Miyavifan 09-26-2009 09:40 PM

That is absolutely flippin' ridiculous!

lself 09-26-2009 11:15 PM

4 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Miyavifan (Post 773739)
That is absolutely flippin' ridiculous!

That is a crazy price!

Pics! from their myspace-before i decay. yay! i finally like Aoi's hair again. I like Ruki's look too:P Someone already posted Kai's pic so...
Attachment 10421

Attachment 10422

Attachment 10423

Attachment 10424

TheCrimson 09-26-2009 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 773641)
I'm really pissed. -_-'' Just saw a notification for the new DVD.
Over 100 bucks for the limited!
Who the hell smacked nails in their lunch? Aiiish! Are they insane??

no they arent insane, its cause they can :'D they know the fangirls will pay -nods- and besides. its not "them" in a sense. its the company :'D

ohhh and its just too f**king apparent now! i've heard that one before! harder and faster Circle of Swindler! and another song for sure sounds like it... just trying to figure it out. the vocal melodies i've heard in another of their previous songs for sure!

NanteNa 09-27-2009 01:35 PM

*touches Aoi*

Yeah, PSC has gone all mental like SM now. It's getting annoying. There's no way in HELL that I can afford both Christmas presents and a 102 dollar DVD in the same month. the fuck..

Kufufunofu 09-27-2009 06:31 PM

wtf!i just read the previous posts and wow seriously i would nvr pay that much! >.<
i bought DIM and some posters xD
they think we have that much money ..lol

Miyavifan 09-27-2009 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by lself (Post 773757)
That is a crazy price!

Pics! from their myspace-before i decay. yay! i finally like Aoi's hair again. I like Ruki's look too:P Someone already posted Kai's pic so...
Attachment 10421

Attachment 10422

Attachment 10423

Attachment 10424

ah, those are good pics... wait. someone did? where?

TheCrimson 09-27-2009 09:18 PM

we may not have that much money, but there's a lot of crazy fans out there. more than enough crazy fans. its like. those photo prints thing they sell in the Jrock magazines. its like who the f**k would buy that? but apparently people actually do O_O its like, duuuude, its called photobucket? ;P

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