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TheCrimson 10-11-2009 10:49 PM

agreed. nuh uh :)
do i still have Kai privileges? :P

JayT 10-11-2009 11:03 PM

It reminds me of Hyena.

lself 10-13-2009 06:22 AM

No offense to them or anything, and i'm not saying they are plagiarizing, but it really REALLY sounds like shadowz by lynch. I listened to the two right after one another.

It's cool Kai's trying something different, but he should really go back to his cute look. And have cute chubby cheeks again, instead of looking all sunken in...

Makochan 10-13-2009 11:07 AM

The Gazette are great, I really like them ;)

lizzey 10-13-2009 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by lself (Post 776992)
No offense to them or anything, and i'm not saying they are plagiarizing, but it really REALLY sounds like shadowz by lynch. I listened to the two right after one another.

It's cool Kai's trying something different, but he should really go back to his cute look. And have cute chubby cheeks again, instead of looking all sunken in...

I do miss Kai's chubby cheeks.:p He needs something to lighten him up.

kittycorpse 10-14-2009 12:32 AM

i love their music but i havent listened to much of it. i love their song "Filth in the Beauty". any recomendations? :vsign:

Miyavifan 10-14-2009 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by lizzey (Post 777129)
I do miss Kai's chubby cheeks.:p He needs something to lighten him up.

so do I. still nice pics though.


Originally Posted by kittycorpse (Post 777155)
i love their music but i havent listened to much of it. i love their song "Filth in the Beauty". any recomendations? :vsign:

one right now... Cockroach...

I'll post more tomorrow.

DevilHunter04 10-14-2009 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by kittycorpse (Post 777155)
i love their music but i havent listened to much of it. i love their song "Filth in the Beauty". any recomendations? :vsign:

One of my favorites (it was also my first one) is Zetsu. And then Regret is good too.

Kufufunofu 10-14-2009 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by TheCrimson (Post 775871)
i'm not suggesting you don't not see them at all... i mean... i'd rather see them in roles.... instead of just playing. it gets kind of old :P that's all they do it seems these days.

i agree...they should make more interesting videos -.-
just like in the old days :P
and the song wasn't too catchy for me...

TokyoSamurai20 10-15-2009 12:12 AM

I really like The Gazette they were the first j-rock band I got into and i love how all the guys in the band look. And also to me there music videos are interesting especially the one for the song "Filth in the Beauty" which by the way is one of my fav. songs of theres.

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