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KaYumi 01-04-2010 10:08 PM

Konbanwa Minna:) The Gazette is my favorite band. I love Reita and him guitar! Their music is great!! My love song i Cassis!

Kufufunofu 01-08-2010 12:07 AM

whats been happening with Gaze? i haven't been checking them since DIM was out >.>

JamboP26 01-10-2010 06:41 PM

I'm a big fan of The GazettE. First song I heard was Cassis, & I've liked them from there

Versaille 01-12-2010 02:09 PM

They are my favorite Jrock band 4ever...:) ...first song i heard is Linda~Candy dive pinky heaven~ and i momentally sarted to adore it...:rheart:
And they r sooo handsome guys...:cool:

fei 01-16-2010 09:13 AM

hey dose anyone know where to get a good pic of the trible design on ruki's outfit in the zetsu vid?

Ogre 01-17-2010 02:09 AM

Uh,I'm new here. :ywave:
GazettE is my favourite band. I love them more than my life.
My favourite member is Ruki,for sure. Not because he is good looking, but because of his amazing voice and performances. I love that man,I really do. :)
I like.. well.. I like almost all their songs O.O it's hard to say only one.. but ok.. I'll say 2 of them.... Mad marble hell vision & A moth under the skin.

nice to meet you,people.

Mayakashi 01-24-2010 05:05 PM

the GazettE were my first Jrock band ^^
i've been into them since October '08.
one of my myspace friends posted a blog that
had a video of the GazettE in it. The song was Cassis,
and i thought it was beautiful. so then i checked out more
and more of their stuff, and they've been one of my favorites
ever since ^^
My favorite...hard choice. There are qualities in all five members
that i like. My favorite if i had to choose would probably be Uruha.
I don't just like him because he's hot. the first thing that caught my
attention was his looks, i will admit, but then, over time, i came to
admire his guitar skills. Him and Aoi were two of my biggest inspirations
to start playing guitar (hide first).

KyyO 01-24-2010 07:26 PM

Shirt says it all...

fei 01-24-2010 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by KyyO (Post 796701)
Shirt says it all...

were did u get that shirt i
ive been trying to find one for so long

KyyO 01-24-2010 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by fei (Post 796736)
were did u get that shirt i
ive been trying to find one for so long

I actually bought it off of Zazzle | Custom T-Shirts, Personalized Gifts, Posters, Art, and more. Someone had customized a shirt with the logo on it. Check it out and see if it's still available :). The only problem I found was that the logo seems a bit faded but not to the point where it's not readable. You can't really tell though from the picture.

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