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Mayakashi 01-25-2010 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by KyyO (Post 796701)
Shirt says it all...

gahhh i need to buy one of those. i was gonna not too
long ago, but i didnt have the money. -.-

Immokalei 01-25-2010 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by KyyO (Post 796701)
Shirt says it all...


OMG your shirt is amazing!!! :O

That's the one shirt I've been dying to get for years...

KyyO 01-25-2010 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Immokalei (Post 796752)
OMG your shirt is amazing!!! :O

That's the one shirt I've been dying to get for years...

Thanks! You wouldn't believe all of the comments I got when I wore it to a small anime expo, these guys were all like "omg I love your shirt!" haha. I think they wanted to rip it off of my body >.>

Kufufunofu 01-25-2010 02:54 AM

^omfg!where did you buy it?!
i want to take it from you now XD

TheCrimson 01-25-2010 06:13 AM

cafe press sells them.

Gazerock is not Dead

but obviously not official, no one sells them official ones anymore.

AsutinsGirl14 01-27-2010 03:16 PM

i love Uruha he's so cute. i love his smile its just so addicting. and he has amazing guitar skills.:rheart:

TheCrimson 03-07-2010 01:24 AM

did you all know.... that the GazettE used to be Dir en Grey's roadies?

Visual Kei - The Inconvenient Truth

Kufufunofu 04-04-2010 04:53 AM

where are these guys i seriously need them XD
i feel jrock world has become quiet o.o

AkuenKigahen 04-04-2010 05:04 AM

Gazette just announced their new single that will come out July 21st. That is too long I want something now! Then they will have their tour!!

The GazettE "NEXT SCENE" New Single And Live Tour 2010

Here is a video about it!! I'm excited for it but I don't want to wait until July. haha.

alyssistica 04-04-2010 04:46 PM

gazette is the beeeeeeeeest
my fav is reita he´s really good at the base :D

uruha is good too :D

gazerock is not dead!!!!

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