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lizzey 09-10-2010 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 825346)
It's kinda funny how all Asian celebs feel the need to join Twitter too! Haha, I like it!

I know is hilarious. I like it too. Now, Aoi made Ruki join.:) I find that really funny because he keeped insisting to Ruki to join. Ruki gave in and now he Twits like crazy. Thank you Aoi, for making Ruki join.

Miyukichan55 09-25-2010 07:26 PM

LOve gazette
and uruha is my fav too.
:rheart: him. i think he pretty.

Karolina 09-28-2010 09:56 PM

yup they are good band! i hope they will go far:)

HA0Neul 11-07-2010 08:22 PM

The GazettE is the best band ever ^_^I really like them , like all their songs are awesome o...o Ruki's voice is amazing :3 I wish that they would come to Europe Tour starting from Estonia XD

:pompoms: GAZEROCK HWAITING ! X3 :pinksong:

KuranUSA 11-19-2010 08:02 PM

GazettE rock. No other band can make a song about incest catchy(Filth In The Beauty)

Kai is the best,he always looks so happy,and I love the hair:)

NanteNa 11-19-2010 09:30 PM

When I first heard Filth in the Beauty (cause there's the female vocal intro) I thought they'd printed the wrong song on the album.. lol. I was like 'What? Is there a female band called GazettE too?'.. Haha! But yeah. That song is awesome.. and damn, Ruki's hair in that PV makes me want dreads in a high ponytail >_<"

KuranUSA 11-19-2010 10:34 PM

Hahaha,yeah,I know what you mean.

I rarely find a band that I like all of their songs,but every one I've stumbled on of theirs has been really good.

JamboP26 11-20-2010 10:52 AM

On Filth in the Beauty PV, I love the headbanging part in the middle

elizabethlpulley 11-25-2010 05:21 AM

I Like Ruki...I like the more of the manly look....He is really attractive and has a really nice voice ^_^....Uruha I like him he is cute and Kei's smile is so adorable

NanteNa 12-05-2010 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by KuranUSA (Post 838520)
Hahaha,yeah,I know what you mean.

I rarely find a band that I like all of their songs,but every one I've stumbled on of theirs has been really good.

I can honestly say that I love ALL songs from their NIL album.. I came to like most songs on STACKED RUBBISH, but I don't care for their latest releases : / It's too melodic and Diru-ish for my taste.

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