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XjapanFOREVER 09-29-2007 02:58 PM

so, post-DAHLIA, gotcha, it would've been cool to see hide Art of Life Live/ X JAPAN RETURNS hair though!!!!

Touya 09-29-2007 03:00 PM

I would definitely get fired for that.

XjapanFOREVER 09-29-2007 03:05 PM

yea, but it would almost be worth it!

Touya 09-29-2007 03:08 PM

Almost, but since my sister threw out her husband I kind of need the money to pay the bills he's not paying anymore :(

XjapanFOREVER 09-29-2007 03:12 PM

ah, me and my English teacher got in a fight yesterday..
I was forcifully introducing this girl to X, when the girl said that the greatest guitarist was Jimmy Page, I got pissed, and threw a fit.. So, I decided to ask my Eng teacher and her exact response was "That one guy from Led Zepplin"
I was like "NO, you people are gay!!! HIDE IS THE GREATEST!!!!"
We were done with our work so I just pulled out my iPod and started watching Week End from the Last Live...

Touya 09-29-2007 03:14 PM

HIDE is the greatest. I tell that to everyone and forcefully prove it to then sometimes ... :D

XjapanFOREVER 09-29-2007 03:17 PM

what arguments do you use...
yesterday I used the, "Well, if you heard Art of Life, and knew anything about an instrument you would understand the skill that hide possessed!"
Then she went as far as to say YOSHIKI isn\'t the best drummer, she almost got bitch slapped!

Touya 09-29-2007 03:26 PM

I use simple comparison.

If hide wasn\'t the greatest then how come his music is liked and respected by people who weren\'t even born yet to know about him?

None of your guitarist are remembered like that.

None of your guitarist can say I\'m famous still even ten years after I\'ve died.

None of your guitarist can play continuous without a break for thirty minutes.

None of your guitarist sold out the Tokyo Dome when your band made a final show.

And IF Yoshiki wasn\'t the best drummer out there then why do bands come to him for music?

None of your drummers can play a twenty piece drum set and make it sound good.

None of your drummers have the ability to play the drums for thirty continuous minutes.

None of your drummers played with a broken arm.

None of your drummers played with a sprained neck.

Please tell me what does your guitarist/drummer do?

XjapanFOREVER 09-29-2007 03:31 PM

The only argument I have against anything you said, is the 20 piece drum set..
Have you not seen Mike Portnoy\'s Albino Monster?!?!?!?!!?
BEAST!!!!!! google it!!!

Touya 09-29-2007 03:39 PM

Can he do that against Yoshiki in a drum off? I think not. Yoshiki is like the energizer bunny. He will not stop until his battery dies. Most people "rest" between songs. Yoshiki jumps over to the piano. No rest for the greatest.

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