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Miyavifan 06-11-2008 07:19 PM

You're welcome. It's posted a few messages above.

CassInsomniac 06-12-2008 07:09 AM

Wow. myvfan, you got a hide tattoo... nice... did it hurt?

And it's pink! hahaha. Despite the fact that I hate pink... that looks really nice... and it's hide, so that makes it all the better...

By the way, where exactly is that tattoo? I could not tell.

Miyavifan 06-12-2008 09:46 PM

yup, I did. my first tattoo ever. Last year I told hide, in a manner of speaking, that I would get one for him.

It really didn't.
well, for hide, it had ta be.... plus I kinda like pink now, cause of hide. I even wear a pink bracelet thing everyday, for him. I also bring my plushie everywhere.

Thank you, for saying it looks nice. yup, you're right. it does make it much much better. :)
ah... it's on my left shoulder blade.

DeadFairy 12-02-2008 10:59 PM

@ Miyavifan
Just saw the pic of your hide tattoo... It's great

I love hide ever since I saw a video of him for the first time (one of my friends showed me the beginning of the Last Live). And the more I found out about him the more I began to love him for who he was.

Salvanas 12-02-2008 11:32 PM

Xjapanforever - You are god for uploading that.

hide has always been an inspiration to me. I wanted to go and see his shrine in Tokyo (I heard there was one), but apparently, after days and days of searching I couldn't find it. It dampened the whole trip, but I'm still going to try and see if there is one.

orewasenshi 12-02-2008 11:46 PM

hide is and will always be an inspiration to me. It's a shame that he died, but he will live on forever. He's inspired a lot of jrock bands to start sharing their music with the world and never stop until they die. hide is the greatest Japanese Rock artist in the world, and he is missed by everyone who loved him.

DeadFairy 12-13-2008 09:24 AM

I think it speaks for itself...

Miyavifan 12-13-2008 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by DeadFairy (Post 637320)
@ Miyavifan
Just saw the pic of your hide tattoo... It's great

I love hide ever since I saw a video of him for the first time (one of my friends showed me the beginning of the Last Live). And the more I found out about him the more I began to love him for who he was.

Thank you. :D


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 637355)
Xjapanforever - You are god for uploading that.

hide has always been an inspiration to me. I wanted to go and see his shrine in Tokyo (I heard there was one), but apparently, after days and days of searching I couldn't find it. It dampened the whole trip, but I'm still going to try and see if there is one.

You mean the hide Museum, right? That's been closed for a while. There wasn't enough money to keep it open.

to hide: Happy Birthday. I'm very sorry I forgot yesterday, but at least it's the 13th here in the U.S. (now I need to find the cd's I have your songs on)

Tordek42 12-14-2008 02:30 AM

A bit late but Happy Birthday Pink Spider, been listening to your stuff all day

Salvanas 12-14-2008 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Miyavifan (Post 644416)
Thank you. :D

You mean the hide Museum, right? That's been closed for a while. There wasn't enough money to keep it open.

No. I heard there was some sort of shrine. I must of miss heard though.

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