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obscureLOVE 05-01-2007 09:46 AM

why don't you read it...HIDE...AND NOT HYDE!!!!!

awww tomorrow is 8 years...*cries*...

Jo_Kittie 05-01-2007 01:07 PM

did you have to remind me about that? ... *sob* I thought of it yesterday and just didn't want to remember it today... but still i'll "celebrate" tomorrow. I mean, tribute... GAH. you know what I mean.. ;___;

obscureLOVE 05-01-2007 01:41 PM

awww sorry...

Jo_Kittie 05-01-2007 05:14 PM

no sorrys! *cuddles* I'm not mad... just *sob* trying to *double-sob* forget... *cries* ... my little hideto... dead... in a webpage with facts about him they said his name was RUMORED to be hideto TAKARAI... guess if I got mad @_@

obscureLOVE 05-02-2007 01:13 PM

yup..it is today...*cries*... 8 years since HIDETO= pink spider died...
R.I.P HIDE!!!!!!!:rheart:

@i wrote it with pink becouse of HIDE....:rheart:

Salvanas 05-02-2007 04:27 PM

RIP Hide san.

carry 05-02-2007 05:14 PM

Hide died on May 2, 1998 in his Tokyo apartment.
see peeps... i was right >.<
it's 9 nine years today... man this is depressing

R.I.P. HIDE <333

Jo_Kittie 05-02-2007 06:13 PM

I guess I just have to... *slaps pillow*

carry 05-03-2007 08:51 AM

1 Attachment(s)
*pats head*
pretty little hide <3
lookie *__*

obscureLOVE 05-03-2007 11:46 PM

aw aw awwww little hideto how adorable....*cries*

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