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Jo_Kittie 05-05-2007 05:51 PM

HA! a weak spot!!! *fills bowls with pickle-soup* uh.. what ever that is... here little kai.. DRINK!! mooohahahahaa

Touya 08-29-2007 01:44 AM

Okay, so I read the whole thing from the beginning, and just have one question. You DO realize God doesn't forgive suicide? So you do know HIDE is not in Heaven right? Unless of course it wasn't suicide. Just food for thought.

Kaicui 08-29-2007 02:17 PM

god this dude haz been dead for over wut 9 yrs now...this topic shud be closed

Touya 08-29-2007 02:35 PM

It doesn't matter how long he's been gone. If we forget the memories then we don't have a future to build on.

HIDE was the best. There are guitarist out there that us him as a standard for guitar playing.

Think about it though, your mom probably still listens to her David Cassidy, and Boy George music, Dad probably still listens to his Van Halen and AC/DC. They're more then ten years old, but they're still popular. The only difference is that they're alive. (For the most part. Lead singer of AC/DC has died and was replaced.) What's the difference? Living and dead? Good Music is good music. You're hating is not appreciated.

Tooru 08-29-2007 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Touya (Post 220114)
Okay, so I read the whole thing from the beginning, and just have one question. You DO realize God doesn't forgive suicide? So you do know HIDE is not in Heaven right? Unless of course it wasn't suicide. Just food for thought.

That is really depressing. Dx I don't know much about hide, I was only seven when he died, But I have listened to alot of his music, And I respect him as the greatest guitarist I've ever heard. I cried so much when he died. And to think the greatest guitarist can't even get in to heaven. >_< Not that I'm a religous person or anything but, I would gladly take is place in hell if that made him able to go to heaven. v________v Rest In Peace.

Touya 08-29-2007 03:50 PM

I agree it is a depressing thought, but there are rules you know. As much as we all love hide, His rules still need to be followed. (Not that I follow all of them anyway >o< )

Anyway, I cried too. I still cry now every now and then. He was a great musician. I hope it wasn't suicide and I hope to see hide in heaven!

Jo_Kittie 08-29-2007 04:39 PM

Duh. -sticks Kai into a glass bottle-
Mooo. >__>

Now, go on with the hide schmoopsie-pooching. n__n <3

Touya 08-29-2007 04:41 PM

I've decided to play all his music I have on repeat for today. (At least until MYV screams for attention...)

HIDE's music is so awesome. Talks about sex and doesn't curse the entire time. Today's music should take lessons.

Jo_Kittie 08-29-2007 04:53 PM

Yeah, maybe. XD
I'm stuck on Dice for the moment. I find the solo pretty nifty. Or something. :B

Touya 08-29-2007 05:10 PM

Never heard their music. (Blaring LemonED I screamed)

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