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-   -   [Korean] Girl Group with an average age of 9 (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/japanese-music/36781-%5Bkorean%5D-girl-group-average-age-9-a.html)

Javen 03-23-2011 01:21 PM

[Korean] Girl Group with an average age of 9
LOL and I thought jpop groups were young

wow this is a whole new level...what do you think?? too young?? they plan on going the sexy route(western style) to attract older male fans
YouTube - YouTube NEW K POP MV G Story Pinky Pinky First Debut Single T S

tokusatsufan 03-23-2011 02:30 PM

I don't know about you but western style isn't very sexy to me!

Koir 03-23-2011 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Javen (Post 858582)
LOL and I thought jpop groups were young

wow this is a whole new level...what do you think?? too young?? they plan on going the sexy route(western style) to attract older male fans

"Could I get you to sit over there, please?"

JamboP26 03-23-2011 03:14 PM

To me, there is cute and young, then there's too young. 13/14 is fine....but average age of 9?!!?!?!? No way. My little sister is 8, and to think that if she were in a band like this with older (possibaly in their 30's/40's) crooning over her/them, would make me uncomfortable. If it works, well done, but I just worry. There's a lot of weird people out there

TalnSG 03-23-2011 04:40 PM

Aside from just seeming way to young to be dealing with the stress of a concert tour and to be promoted to an older audience, there is another problem I see with this.

Like guys, girls voices change at puberty too. Not as obviously or drastically, but enough to ruin a girl's performance without warning. And I know first hand that if you are pushed to overwork your voice when that is happening, it can seriously damage it.

This is not healthy, physically or emotionally, for a 9 year old!

Javen 03-23-2011 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by JamboP26 (Post 858596)
To me, there is cute and young, then there's too young. 13/14 is fine....but average age of 9?!!?!?!? No way. My little sister is 8, and to think that if she were in a band like this with older (possibaly in their 30's/40's) crooning over her/them, would make me uncomfortable. If it works, well done, but I just worry. There's a lot of weird people out there

they r basically singing about boys....here is an english translation of the song

1 2 3 Fighting~

Pinky pinky plus
Beauty beauty plus
Pinky pinky plus
Beauty beauty beau-beau
Pinky pinky you look so fine
Beauty beauty you’re fabulous
He’s looking at me
I feel it, I feel it
(P I N K pink girl)
Me me to you you
I want to show, I want to show
Me me to your heart
I want to tell, I want to tell
I need to wait but honestly I can’t keep the secret
Tell me tell me tell me tell me now
Pinky pinky beauty beauty girl
Me me me
Pinky pinky beauty beauty girl
Me me me
Pinky pinky beauty beauty girl
I like you how you are

tokusatsufan 03-23-2011 08:11 PM

Yeah,this looks a bit off.

MissMisa 03-23-2011 10:34 PM

I see no problem with this, it's just kids having fun. If you think this is sexy then I have no idea where you got that from.

Plus, she picked an awesome name (Sally) lol. :p

NanteNa 07-27-2011 07:33 PM

wtf is this? This is just wrong.

JamboP26 08-09-2011 03:20 PM

I actually listened to a song & liked it. As long as its majorly music, its a good group

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