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Jo_Kittie 06-04-2007 07:08 PM

oupps, sorry ^__^; I deleted it...

here you go the Retsu single:
o1 Retsu
o2 Feathers of Sorrow < Me loves that songie. I OWN it. :rheart:

audaciousgurl9 06-05-2007 01:05 AM

ooo i love it!! thankies very much! :D

Jo_Kittie 06-07-2007 10:12 AM

You're welcome. What did you think about Feathers of Sorrow? I'm inlove with it. It's not a crush, cause I've listened to it constantly the latest months. -hugs Hiko- Within a year and with some practice she'll become a great guitar player <3

audaciousgurl9 06-09-2007 02:01 AM

well i tried to download it, but it says its 'Retsu' so...me is confused...

Jo_Kittie 06-09-2007 01:31 PM

I must have confused them together. I've edited the second one now ; ) Sorry for the mistake! -bows-

audaciousgurl9 06-10-2007 11:06 PM

ohh thats better!! thankies very much!! and that song is love! i love it!!

Jo_Kittie 06-14-2007 07:29 PM

uhuh... I'm engaged to that song -walks on pink clouds-

Jo_Kittie 07-09-2007 08:39 PM

I felt that I had to bring some threads back to life, because they can't just die like that. This one was also back on page six. Breath in some air, fetch your bottle of vodka and start posting! I know you can do it, sprout~

STRAWBERR1 07-17-2007 06:48 PM


デンジャー☆ギャング, or Danger☆gang (whatever you prefer) is DA BOOOOMB. HAHHAHAH, I hate that expression (u_u), but I used it anyway n_n'' Gah, anyway, I love Danger☆gang <333 And just to make it crystal clear, ALL the band members are GIRLS. I was too lazy to read all the pages, so I stopped at number 5, but ehrrr.. yeah, there was a discussion about "Boys or girls?" there.. so yeah o_o And if you don't believe me, just visit the bands myspace and view everyones profile. Translated, it says their gender is woman x)

Btw, can someone REEEAAALLY kind cutiepie send me links to where I can download some デンジャー☆ギャング/Danger☆gang songs? *puppyeyes* I've searched like a mad woman, and the only song I found was Retsu, but the bandname wasn't spelled right ¤_¤ I need the bandname right or... or I'll feel bad over it (my mind works in mysterious ways)...

kai474 07-17-2007 07:11 PM

Yeah, they're pretty good actualy

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