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STRAWBERR1 07-17-2007 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by kai474 (Post 180920)
Yeah, they're pretty good actualy

Pretty good? Gee, they're WAY better than that :D
That is, however, only my opininon ^^

Jo_Kittie 07-17-2007 11:32 PM

STRAWBERR1, I've got at least one more song for you uploaded on the top of the previous page. Tell me if it doesn't work and I will sort it out for you. And are you unsure if Danger*gang made Retsu, or? they did anyhow. c:

STRAWBERR1 07-18-2007 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Jo_Kittie (Post 181194)
STRAWBERR1, I've got at least one more song for you uploaded on the top of the previous page. Tell me if it doesn't work and I will sort it out for you. And are you unsure if Danger*gang made Retsu, or? they did anyhow. c:

No, I KNOW they made Retsu n_n It's just that when I downloaded it, the band name was spelled uncorrectley, which makes it tagged wrong on last.fm. I tried the links on the previous page and theyd didn't work :3

Bakudan 07-18-2007 07:45 PM

As I was looking down the list of them, the drummer was the only one I found at all attractive...Which is actually pretty scary considering I thought the dudes from Baiser were pretty as hell....J-rock is turning me homo -_-;

STRAWBERR1 07-18-2007 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Bakudan (Post 182176)
As I was looking down the list of them, the drummer was the only one I found at all attractive...Which is actually pretty scary considering I thought the dudes from Baiser were pretty as hell....J-rock is turning me homo -_-;

Yeah, Rei is hot *_* Though, I think the other bandmembers are attractive too.

zerojustice315 07-18-2007 09:44 PM

Meh... what's your point?

whitetwilight 07-18-2007 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Bakudan (Post 182176)
As I was looking down the list of them, the drummer was the only one I found at all attractive...Which is actually pretty scary considering I thought the dudes from Baiser were pretty as hell....J-rock is turning me homo -_-;


Jo_Kittie 07-18-2007 10:22 PM

Oí! Mireís, people, STRAWBERR1 lives in Stockholm! -celebrates with cushy tushy- It's nice to see another one from my country who likes this kind of music. n__n »infern«

STRAWBERR1 07-19-2007 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Jo_Kittie (Post 182381)
Oí! Mireís, people, STRAWBERR1 lives in Stockholm! -celebrates with cushy tushy- It's nice to see another one from my country who likes this kind of music. n__n »infern«

WHAAT? O_O You live in.. Jag menar, bor du i Sverige? Happi Happi :D

Jo_Kittie 07-19-2007 03:10 PM

Exactamente. Now, mush. I'm gonna visit miruku's myspace so I can listen to some D*G. n__n

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