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STRAWBERR1 08-08-2007 10:18 AM

Oh, you're welcome. Varsågod XD
The new songs will hopefully blow your mind.
Joukei no Katana is the best of them ^-^ Hee-hee.

lollijenn 08-08-2007 10:20 AM

ive never heard them

kurishi 08-08-2007 12:08 PM

they look guys to me..but i'll hear them;)

Jo_Kittie 08-09-2007 12:14 PM

I'm not really to communicate with people for the moment.
First, those songs. x__x

STRAWBERR1 08-10-2007 10:24 AM

What do you mean about the songs? o:
Was it a good "x__x" or a bad "x__x"?

Jo_Kittie 08-10-2007 09:29 PM

It basically means "-dead-".
Totally good and great and yeaah. o3o

STRAWBERR1 08-11-2007 01:41 PM

hahah, yeah, I know what it means, I just wondered if it was an "oh my god, that's so horrible I fell off my chair and bumped my head on a frozen rat's teeth and now I'm dead- x__x" or an "oh my god, these songs are so freaking good they're killing me- x__x".. errr.. if that makes sense? XD

Jo_Kittie 08-11-2007 09:40 PM

I think the first trck is better, actually. n__n
But I still love Feathers of Sorrow. o:

STRAWBERR1 08-12-2007 01:49 PM

Oh, Feathers of Sorrow is good ¤_¤ <3

Jo_Kittie 08-12-2007 08:46 PM

Yeah, I know the lyrics, even though I don't know them. XD

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