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Jo_Kittie 05-09-2007 08:41 PM

that must be alike here in sweden.. my steph father has got like fortyfive and that's kinda big.. aound 29 cm maybe? ^^

XjhonnyX 05-11-2007 02:39 PM

i totally forgot to check did anyone tell me what the name of this band is??

carry 05-11-2007 02:40 PM

danger gang

XjhonnyX 05-11-2007 02:50 PM

ya never heard of them, what they like??

carry 05-11-2007 06:18 PM

they're quite alright xD

Jo_Kittie 05-11-2007 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Jo_Kittie (Post 113393)
in romaji you mean? Then danger gang it is ; )

here you go.. デンジャー☆ギャング - Retsu

there you go "jhonny" x3 .. But I recommend Feathers of Sorrow. Waka doesn't roar in that one xD

carry 05-11-2007 11:07 PM

i like when [s]he roars xDD

Jo_Kittie 05-12-2007 09:31 AM

xDD .. well, my firned said it sounds stupid xD .. she doesn't know about good music ><

Jo_Kittie 06-03-2007 08:16 PM

FEATHERS OF SORROW *melts* my current favourite song is BLESSING

audaciousgurl9 06-04-2007 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Jo_Kittie (Post 113393)
in romaji you mean? Then danger gang it is ; )

here you go.. デンジャー☆ギャング - Retsu

waah it doesn't work!! *pouts*

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