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lpdirufangirl09 07-15-2007 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by whitetwilight (Post 179474)
You know you are obsessed when you can sing the songs in Japanese AND English.

Wether you know Japanese or not!

haha i wish. i can do that with a few parts of Kodou by Dir en grey.

Maku 07-16-2007 12:03 AM

...When you want to name your daughter (if you have one) after your favourite J-Rock album (Dahlia).

lpdirufangirl09 07-16-2007 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Maku (Post 179481)
...When you want to name your daughter (if you have one) after your favourite J-Rock album (Dahlia).

that's cute!

me and my ex always said if we ever had a baby, it would have a j-rock name. a boy's name would be Kisaki (La'Sadies, Phantasmagoria, KISAKI project) lol. (he's obsessed.) or Hideto. =p and for a girl, it would either be Reila (GazettE song) or Kasumi (Dir en grey song) =p another was Luna Sea =p

whitetwilight 07-16-2007 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by lpdirufangirl09 (Post 179487)
that's cute!

me and my ex always said if we ever had a baby, it would have a j-rock name. a boy's name would be Kisaki (La'Sadies, Phantasmagoria, KISAKI project) lol. (he's obsessed.) or Hideto. =p and for a girl, it would either be Reila (GazettE song) or Kasumi (Dir en grey song) =p another was Luna Sea =p

Haha,I'm actually all for Luna Sea as a girls name, or Reila.
Reila was the first song I ever heard by Gazette.. also it is fairly close to Reita, who is my love!
For a boy I would be tempted to use Reita.... preferably Reita Jr.. ;D

Maku 07-16-2007 01:03 AM

I'd name the boy Taka after Angel Taka from NOIZ.

ToKyObOxRoBoT 07-16-2007 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by lpdirufangirl09 (Post 179477)
haha i wish. i can do that with a few parts of Kodou by Dir en grey.

*raises hand*
several DEG songs and a few others.....i know them in english but i can't really keep up with it in my head

rockstarx 07-16-2007 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by Maku (Post 179528)
I'd name the boy Taka after Angel Taka from NOIZ.

mine will be Hakuei, Hideki or Hideto

JRockaddict 07-16-2007 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by lpdirufangirl09 (Post 163836)
You know you're obsessed with j-rock/a j-rocker when you hear them laugh on candids, interviews, and comments so much you begin to laugh like them.

(i laugh like Totchi. xp)

i believe this is true.....
i've heard Seika laugh so much i now sound like him when i laugh.....:rheart:

JRockaddict 07-16-2007 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by lpdirufangirl09 (Post 163848)
You know you're obsessed with j-rock/a j-rocker when you're sitting on a couch and during an awkward silence, you throw out a "MIYAVI DESU!" XD


i have done this before....

JRockaddict 07-16-2007 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by NanteNa (Post 167963)
*raises both hands* I can't believe why they keep asking 'Who is she?' O__O

that annoys the friggin' shit outta me!!

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