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JRockaddict 07-29-2007 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jo_Kittie (Post 190847)
You know you're obsessed with J-rock when...
◦ You overload someone else's computer with songs.
◦ You dream that you're the vocalist of your favorite band.
◦ You say "sayonara" and "sugoi" to people.

You know you're obsessed with a J-Rocker when...
◦ You name your tamagutchi after him, and cry endlessly when it dies.
You put the dead pet in a little box, which you put beside your bed.
◦ You eat chips for the sake of his underweight (which doesn't really exist at all, actually).
◦ You always use him in your avatars and signatures. He wins over everyone, that's all.
◦ You like to look at his lips. On close-ups or in HQs, for example.
◦ You name your cat plushie La Foxy Ruru, because of her foxy eyes and kinky tail.

ha ha ha
i say sugoi ALOT (really loud, especially if i'm in class)

i tend to look at Seika's lips for a LONG time.....

i made my brother name his tamagotchi Miyabimaru (i thought it looked like a cat) after Miyavi's kitten.........i don't kno if that counts.....

obscureLOVE 07-29-2007 05:18 PM

you know when you're obssesed with Jrocker when you see another girl with your Jrocker in her avatar... and you wan't to kill her

AngeDeJrock 07-29-2007 07:25 PM

You know your obsessed with J-rock once your cd collection is almost all J-rock and nothing else.

You know your obsessed with J-rock once your dreams have a random jrocker appearing out of no where. (this has happened to me six or seven times already. like swiming with dir en grey)

lpdirufangirl09 07-29-2007 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by AngeDeJrock (Post 191534)
You know your obsessed with J-rock once your cd collection is almost all J-rock and nothing else.

You know your obsessed with J-rock once your dreams have a random jrocker appearing out of no where. (this has happened to me six or seven times already. like swiming with dir en grey)

haha i went bowling with Miyavi XD

imagine that.

Jo_Kittie 07-30-2007 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Xjort (Post 191371)
you know your obsessed with jrock when...

Despite overloading & crashing your computer 3 times with the amount of jrock you've been amassing (subsequently having to wipe your harddrive to even get said computer to function at all) you begin building yet another jrock collection out of sheer bloody-mindedness.

My prediction, exactly.

rockstarx 07-30-2007 07:11 AM

you know your obsessed with jrock when...

you play or sing in a band who only plays j-music and the name of the band is one of your fav jrock song

Salvanas 07-30-2007 01:59 PM

You know your obsessed with jrock when...

Someone orders you to do something , which you do not like, and you reply with "(Insert JRocker Here) would not APPROVE!"

Said that to my mum in the middle of the shopping centre, she was like,

"Okutai. Don't you like this dress?" It was hideous,]

Me: " HIDE would not approve!"

Everyone turned and stared.

Salvanas 07-30-2007 02:03 PM

NEW one!

You know your obsessed with jrock when...

You are supposed to be recording something with a cam corder, and you make a swan origami, and reenact Naitomea's "Yomi's Piu piu pantsu!" with the origami.

Done this. Was supposed to be recording a Cosplay Masquerade, goit bored and done the above:P

lpdirufangirl09 07-30-2007 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Salvanas (Post 191964)
You know your obsessed with jrock when...

Someone orders you to do something , which you do not like, and you reply with "(Insert JRocker Here) would not APPROVE!"

Said that to my mum in the middle of the shopping centre, she was like,

"Okutai. Don't you like this dress?" It was hideous,]

Me: " HIDE would not approve!"

Everyone turned and stared.

haha i do that. >.>'

fara7 07-30-2007 02:42 PM

You know your obsessed with J-rock/J-rocker when u write their names on your pencil boxe and table at school.

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