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You know you're obsessed w/ Jrock when you argue to the death w/ your friends/'rents telling them that the people they think are girls are actually guys! ^_^ |
........when you make threads like this? :)
You know you're obsessed w/ Jrock when you look foward coming on here *everyday* and reading about your favorite band! |
You know, you're obsessed with jrock, when you freak out, everytime some calles a jrocker for ''jap''. >_>
You know you're obsessed w/ Jrock when all the pictures on your computer aren't of family and friends but jrockers....... ^_~ |
That last entry was SOOOO awfullly spelled O_O''
Anyway.. You know, you're obsessed with jrockers, when you stay up till.. *looks at watch* 04:45AM in the morning - just to order cd's before someone else steals 'em away. X'3 |
Wah mine? Sorry ^_^'
You know you're obsessed w/ Jrock when your birthday come around you 'rents ask which Jrock cds you want instead of clothes and things... |
You know your obsessed with JRock when you can list every band alphabetically backwards. (Without trying)
You know you're obsessed with Jrock when you fail a quiz/test because you were too busy thinking about Jrock.
All times are GMT. The time now is 04:28 PM. |