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-   -   You Know You're Obsessed With J-Rock When... (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/japanese-music/5561-you-know-youre-obsessed-j-rock-when.html)

Dio 10-22-2009 08:51 PM

You know you're obsessed with J-rock when you decide to name your piano "[insert name of J-rock artist here] II" because he thinks the look of playing it is cool. (Yes, I did that just recently, today actually.)

You know you're obsessed with J-rock when you start to name your best friend after her favorite J-rock artist. (I did that on...Monday, I think? I called her Maya, and she loved it.)

You know you're obsessed with J-rock when you're reading this whole thread and watching visual kei hair and make-up tutorials on YouTube instead of doing your work. (I'm guilty of doing that while reading this thread right now.)

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