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-   -   You Know You're Obsessed With J-Rock When... (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/japanese-music/5561-you-know-youre-obsessed-j-rock-when.html)

whitetwilight 07-13-2007 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by ToKyObOxRoBoT (Post 177343)
you know you are obsessed when...
you get pissed when someone else says that they are hot...

And when you don't want to make any new Jrock fans because then they stay exclusively yours.
Also when you have gone through enough lovely loves to actually have settled on JUST ONE GORGEOUS BOY, and are content. XD
((That would be Reita for me. HE'S MINE, GRRR. :D ))

lpdirufangirl09 07-13-2007 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by whitetwilight (Post 177403)
And when you don't want to make any new Jrock fans because then they stay exclusively yours.
Also when you have gone through enough lovely loves to actually have settled on JUST ONE GORGEOUS BOY, and are content. XD
((That would be Reita for me. HE'S MINE, GRRR. :D ))

haha. mine is Die of Dir en grey.
he shall father my children.

ToKyObOxRoBoT 07-13-2007 05:46 AM

mine is to sexi....
i shall not mention his name!!!
just cuz he's that sexi....
EDIT: and idc what anyone says
he is MINE will always be MINE!!
forever and ever!!!!!

Jo_Kittie 07-13-2007 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by rockstarx (Post 176788)
*raises hand*:ywave:

Really? I don't believe you... ¬¬

TheFinal 07-13-2007 06:46 PM

You know you're obsessed with Jrock when you buy a gutair, mispronounce your own name and institute a dailt spaz-out regime.

ToKyObOxRoBoT 07-13-2007 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Jo_Kittie (Post 177799)
Really? I don't believe you... ¬¬

that is really mean kittie...

zerojustice315 07-13-2007 07:52 PM

You know you're a j-rocker when more than half the songs on your ipod (Give or take 200) are all from japan.

Jo_Kittie 07-13-2007 07:55 PM

Does that really make you a J-rocker? (;

NanteNa 07-13-2007 07:59 PM


You know you\'re obsessed with jrock when you feel sick from not listening to it for more than 12 hours. O__O

Jo_Kittie 07-13-2007 08:01 PM

You know you\'re obsessed with J-Rock when you think "amen" after reading NAN\'s latest post here. -snickers-

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