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RadioKid 04-29-2016 02:07 PM

Honestly speaking, I have been not recognized Heavy Metal as a genre of music.

Here I found a exception: BABYMETAL.

They say "this is a phenomena from Japan" and "it is fusion of Japanese idol and heavy metal".

Tons of heavy metal fan with long hair, beard, tattoo are addicted to BABYMETAL. They found Japanese idol for the first time.

The three singers/dancers of BABYMETAL are placed top class in Japan but not known very well in Japan.

Here are the "IDOLs" in Japan (including BABYMETAL). Can you find another BABYMETAL to come?

RadioKid 04-29-2016 03:45 PM

Learn Japanese with BABYMETAL.

I don't know how it is effective. Tell me when you tried it.

RadioKid 05-01-2016 07:50 AM

Without visual, BABYMETAL sounds like as the Anime-Songs with heavy-metal taste.

However, BABYMETAL has excellent precision in time-axis on the beat.

With the visual, it is more obvious. compare their dance with the covers.
No dance cover performance can be compared with BABYMETAL.

DamVan23 05-08-2016 05:06 AM

So cool! i love this song! :rheart:

RadioKid 07-01-2016 11:45 PM

BabyMetal for Japanese learner.

"Tsubasa wo kudasai": Give me the wings;

glidebuzz 07-02-2016 07:24 AM

Programmer help

Not sure if this is the right place to post and ask for help.... i just recently created a website and need to know if anyone of you knows anyone who wants to work as QA - https://www.mostreviewedsites.com

Please ping me privately or reply here.

Moderator, if this is inappropriate, please remove or relocate accordingly. I apologize in advance.



RadioKid 07-29-2016 11:17 PM

Babymetal members comment on their own first Music Video.

RadioKid 07-29-2016 11:19 PM

Anther comments by Babymetal.

RadioKid 08-03-2016 03:14 PM


This is also real Japanese girl talk with English subtitles.

RadioKid 08-05-2016 10:35 PM

Interviewed in UK with English subtitles.

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