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-   -   Japanese "My Friend" Song (https://www.japanforum.com/forum/japanese-music/777271-japanese-%22my-friend%22-song.html)

AnnyMouso 07-09-2016 06:37 AM

Japanese "My Friend" Song
Apparently, there are a few songs that immediately have popularity with these two words, but i am looking for a particular one that is upbeat and starts off with what sounds like this:

Ah chee ta ma ta ... u say ba ... oh en ma ee my friend!

i LOVE this song, but the video that had it was taken down shortly after being put up on YouTube, so i never learned what it was. i have been searching for a long time, now, and i am rather desperate for any clues that could direct me to this wonderful song.

Thank you.

RadioKid 07-09-2016 12:13 PM

Is this ?

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