Hello! I'm here again!
Not sure if I can post another thread... but maybe yes...
Yesterday I wrote a thread regarding Japanese traditional music, but I cannot find this thread. I want to re-write the thread, because I cannot find it. If it's somewhere, can you delete that, please (yesterday's thread)?
I want to start a project that blends traditional Japanese music (especially heikyoku, sokyoku, jiuta and shigin) with J-pop or modern sounds
If you're wanderig what are heikyoku, soukyoku ecc...
Heikyoku is a genre consisting of narrating epic Japanese poems with the accompaniment of a lute-like instrument called biwa
Sokyoku is koto music... I know, koto is one of Japanese most beautiful and important instruments... Most koto players can play not only regular 13-string koto, but also 17-string, 20-string, 25-string kotos...
Jiuta is one of Japanese vocal genres with shamisen. Like koto, shamisen is very important!!!! Lots of koto players can play jiuta-shamisen. There are lots of shamisen genres...
Shigin is a genre not very known, I think... Shigin is chanting Chinese poems in Japanese
I'm wandering if someone in this forum plays traditional Japanese instruments (it doesn't matter what instrument)... It will be FANTASTIC!

I know it isn't very easy to find someone...