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standingonrooftops 10-07-2007 01:52 AM

Japanese Shoegaze
Hi there,

I am a big fan of shoegaze music fom japan. I listen to some bands from there and would like to know more bands.
At the moment I only know of the following bands;

cruyff in the bedroom
luminous orange
sugar plant
coaltar of the deepers

If you know some shoegaze bands in japanese please add to the list.


Laine 10-07-2007 05:46 PM

Asobi Seksu is categorized as shoegaze. The vocalist (a Japanese woman) sings in both Japanese and English. They're based in NYC, though, not Japan.

Otherwise I don't know of any other shoegaze bands... I'm terrible with labelling genre. Since you like Luminous Orange, though, perhaps you'll enjoy Spangle call Lilli line and advantage Lucy as well.

standingonrooftops 10-08-2007 04:07 AM

hi laine,

thanks for the post.

ive heard of those bands you have mentioned and they have great sound.:)

i stumbled on a new band from japan lastnight called "nanocycle"
really good sound.
that will be my next cd to get.


animedude3 10-08-2007 04:13 AM

umm, srry in advance about my cluelesness, but what IS shoegaze

standingonrooftops 10-08-2007 09:53 AM

you can read about shoegaze here;

Shoegazing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Aleesunz 10-09-2007 12:59 PM

Omgz I loove Shoegaze <3 Like the ultimaatte loove <3

Wiki's definition of Shoegaze is awful though "DEY LIEK 2 STAND MOTIONLESS LUKING AT THEIR SHOES" : /

But aye, ignorant as it seems, I never knew Japanese shoegaze existed XD

Any bands tae recommend?

standingonrooftops 10-27-2007 09:12 AM

If anyone is interested, I stumbled across more japanese shoegaze bands the other night:

Cosmic Airplane


Jgazer 11-06-2007 05:51 PM

My Dead Girlfriend are a wonderband. Check them out.

standingonrooftops 11-13-2007 01:14 AM

ahh yes My Dead Girlfriend I found out about a couple weeks ago, really nice sound.

I also found another band on my internet travels, Boyfriends' Dead.
nice sound also.

I'm really impressed by all these bands coming out of Japan.


Josella 11-16-2007 08:53 AM

I joined Japan Forum just to say thanks to you guys for recommending these bands! :rheart:

I've been looking for some Japanese shoegaze, and this thread has been a good reference guide.

One question though - I've heard some Guitar, and really liked them, but I thought they were German - or is there another, Japanese Guitar that I'm missing out on?

Anyway, thanks again!


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