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Michieru 09-03-2007 11:19 PM

The only class worth taking in my town is Tae Kwon Do

i would love to learn more different styles
but i think that this will have to do(i havent researched any other arts anywaysXD)

1PirateKing1 09-12-2007 02:28 AM

the only art i have ever studied extensivly is tae kwon do
but there are 2 i would really like to learn
jeet kun do(the art bruce lee invented based off of kung fu) and
krav maga(the israeli martial art said to be the most effecive art against an armed combatant):D

pandayanyan 09-12-2007 02:29 AM

I really want to take a kendo style art. none in my area though. In Japan is it easy to get into and take a martial art like it is in america?

SirBors 09-18-2007 06:36 PM

I do kokikai style aikido

ivi0nk3y 10-04-2007 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Aota (Post 216426)
Hopefully some of you know monkey style, yes? Please tell me I'm not alone.. >.>

I have a friend who's just crazy flexible, and made his own style. It's kinda, eh.. It's weird. O.O He just crouch walks around a lot, leaps, and wraps his whole body around you like a constrictor. xD

But, I'm not the only one who knows monkey style, right? Right?! O_O

Oh, does anyone know how to use the tri-nunchaku?

I do Mantis which involves a lot of different styles, so yea I know a lot about that monkey style :) (hell even my name on this forum is monkey)

Pllgt2 10-04-2007 06:19 PM

i have only learnt

Blackmariah 10-05-2007 08:52 PM

Before my parents divorced, my dad taught me a bit of Akido, but not enough to do more than a bit, and I'm not very good. Thankfully, I don't need to fight as most people are freaked out by me for some reason. I DO think I'd be pretty good at it, though, with more instrutcion, because for my size I'm very fast and strong. I'm small, but could beat up most of the guys in my class with minimal effort. If it helps, I'm also pretty brave when I have to be, so I'm not too afraid of getting a bit banged up.

BboyZetan 10-05-2007 11:12 PM

I used to do Ninjitsu, but I quit because I did not feel at ease with the teaching techniques of the Bujinkan Brian Dojo...
I now study the techniques at any Matsuri I can find until I find a better dojo.

However, I do train in XMA... I concentrate on the techniques for show... it's hard!!!

Laina 10-06-2007 04:02 AM

I mainly do judo, but I also did some kendo, Hsing I chuan, tai chi, and aikido too.

Gunslinger 10-06-2007 05:40 AM

i did kayokushinkai karate for a while......was thinking of taking it back up the dojo is just down the road from me^___^ i stopped because i moved.....im back now

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