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ivi0nk3y 10-07-2007 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by BboyZetan (Post 258500)
I used to do Ninjitsu, but I quit because I did not feel at ease with the teaching techniques of the Bujinkan Brian Dojo...
I now study the techniques at any Matsuri I can find until I find a better dojo.

However, I do train in XMA... I concentrate on the techniques for show... it's hard!!!

Its hard to find a good Ninjitsu class outside of Japan. I did Ninjitsu myself for 2 years.
Got bored so now doing Chinese martial arts.. lets just say that Karate, Ninjitsu or Boxing is nothing compared to the training I do now.
The only training I can say that even comes close to this Kung Fu is Muy Thai. That is because they mercilessly train your legs and it is highly likely that a Muy Thai fighter will develop serious problems with his legs in his 20's or later on in life. We condition both arms and legs but we also have healing practices. I've come home many a time with lumps on my forearms from the contact. They need to be rubbed out with special ointment, which higher up students learn to make.

luffaren 10-08-2007 08:39 PM

i train shaolin gong fu and ive been training for 2 years. love it, its really fun and another gr8 thing is that we are trained by monks from shaolin. its quite tought since they expect that u are quite alot better than u are since they like started to train at 5 years age and stuff. but hard work is alot more fun and the payoff is better 2.

MarkDuff 10-08-2007 09:12 PM

I don't need martial arts to give some one a beat down I rely on pure streigh to when and it's not speed that wins it is pure brut streigh

ivi0nk3y 10-09-2007 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by luffaren (Post 261067)
i train shaolin gong fu and ive been training for 2 years. love it, its really fun and another gr8 thing is that we are trained by monks from shaolin. its quite tought since they expect that u are quite alot better than u are since they like started to train at 5 years age and stuff. but hard work is alot more fun and the payoff is better 2.

Nice, where is that? I'm also trained by Shaolin :D


Originally Posted by MarkDuff (Post 261095)
I don't need martial arts to give some one a beat down I rely on pure streigh to when and it's not speed that wins it is pure brut streigh

People like you get owned easily >.>

luffaren 10-09-2007 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y (Post 261440)
Nice, where is that? I'm also trained by Shaolin :D

i accually train where i live, in sweden hehe. seems kinda strange to have chinese monks training people here but they do =P

SamuraiAlchemistNinja 10-10-2007 01:32 AM

Am taking Judo right now (well not right right now, will start back up in January) I took a little of some form when I was younger (like when I was 4-5), but for the life of me I can't remember which...

ivi0nk3y 10-10-2007 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by luffaren (Post 262314)
i accually train where i live, in sweden hehe. seems kinda strange to have chinese monks training people here but they do =P

Nice :D Maybe you've heard of Shifu Yanzee and Sifu Tony Clements lol. I'm taught by them.

luffaren 10-10-2007 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by ivi0nk3y (Post 262786)
Nice :D Maybe you've heard of Shifu Yanzee and Sifu Tony Clements lol. I'm taught by them.

nope hehe. my masters are all chinese though and one of em havent learned swedish yet. the current monk that trains me knows a little swedish and the master Shi Xing Xue can speak quite well but he is resting his knees now since he have had some problems with the right one.

Dutchman 10-17-2007 06:01 PM

Ninjutsu for 5-6 years now :P , it's really fun to do. Especially when got someone in a wristlock :vsign:

mrpawn 10-17-2007 09:39 PM

Hey, what kind of martial arts would teach you how to use weapons like katanas? i have a kendo.

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