Discussing different style of Karate -
09-13-2010, 03:58 PM
First, let me start of saying, please don't make this a flaming thread, I don't want people to be attacking each other on this thread. I just want a very very peaceful and civil discussion.
I wanted to know what style of karate everyone is doing, and what is involved in your training.
I currently train in Goju ryu myself (I was a 3rd den in TKD before), most of my training are in hojou undo, kumite and kata. We don't hardly does any bag or target practice, we do do some grappling, and some basic weapons from Kobudo. We do practice with the Makiwara occassionally. But most of the training is centralized around kata, endurance and a lot of fixed kumite drills
What do the rest of the world train in their style? Any shotokan guys that can comment?
I probably will be switching to Shito ryu starting in January (Goju is getting expensive, i save almost 40 a month) in the local Japanese Cultural Center, what kind of training should I expect?