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Kenpachi11 03-23-2008 06:34 PM

Im currently playing call of duty 4. so if you have a xbox 360 and xbox live feel free to send me a friend request. my gamertage is Sgt Wasabi

Magus 03-24-2008 04:03 AM

Just spent around 5 hours playing FF VIII... then again, that amount of time is partially due to the fact that I had to restart the game from save points several times and hadn't made as much progress before i shut it off

also playing Quake III: Arena

Powermad147 03-24-2008 04:10 AM

Currently playing Army of Two

Tyrien 03-24-2008 04:11 AM

PS3: Warhawk

Slykaz1 03-24-2008 12:55 PM

Halo 3.....I can finally survive for 30 minutes without dying....YAY!:pompoms:

I am sadly an enemy to my kids:D I kill them without realizing it.:D

nakamura25 03-24-2008 01:05 PM

call of duty 4
fifa 08
lost odyssey

have yet to start lost odyssey except the first ten minutes only because my brother loaned out the first two discs to his friend

PrincessUnicorn 03-28-2008 03:10 AM

I am currently playing:

Lost oddessey - 360
World of Warcraft - PC
EVE online - PC
42 all-time classics - DS
Harvest moon - DS


Policenaut 03-28-2008 10:29 AM

Currently I'm playing Metroid Prime on GameCube and Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Past(SNES Emulator for GC).

HaipaKun 03-28-2008 10:30 AM

I love Zelda ^_^

Guza 03-29-2008 05:45 AM

haha im playing the lost oddesy for 360 and its a beautifull game xDD

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