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Pyro 08-25-2008 03:20 AM

The guide is about 15 dollars, but when I got it I got the game at the same time which give me like 10% off the guide. I got mine at Gamestop, and you don't suck mangapunkrocker. lol you silly.

mangapunkrocker 08-25-2008 03:24 AM

thank you that's sweet but in video games i do..i mean i can pass a car video game easily....specially since i've never used the breaks on these games...i don't even know where the button is..

Pyro 08-25-2008 03:29 AM

It just takes practice. Once you get the controls down, just play and over time you will get better. I suck at racing games except like Mario Kart. They have karts so it's a racing game. lol

XjapanFOREVER 08-25-2008 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by mangapunkrocker (Post 569275)
specially since i've never used the brakes on these games....


Soul Calibur IV (stuck on last couple floors of the Tower of Lost Souls)

Crisis Core: FFVII
FF (20th anniv ed)
FF II (20th anniv ed)
FF: Tactics (20th anniv ed)
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth

Yuna7780 08-25-2008 03:41 AM

@mpr- You can also find the guide at Wal-Mart. I'm not sure if it's cheaper or not, but I'm also getting 10% off because mommy works there. :D

@Pyro- I haven't played MarioKart Wii. I really want it, but I don't have the cash.

I'm trying to save up for a PS3... I don't have any other games to really play right now. I really want on the PS3 Assasin's Creed, CoD4, MGS4, DMC4, and others I can't list right now.

What's with all of these fours? I also need to buy Persona 4 when it's released. I'm also abusing my Wii because I never play it. There just aren't any good T and M games I don't own out there right now to purchase. I can't stand family-fun games 85% of the time...

kaelazors 08-25-2008 03:52 AM

guess soon i'll be playing ff7 for the first time finally lol

Yuna7780 08-25-2008 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by kaelazors (Post 569296)
guess soon i'll be playing ff7 for the first time finally lol

Very niiice. How'd you get it?
When I was in sixth grade, I borrowed it from a friend who was annoying. I never returned it because I never hung out with her again and I got to keep it. About five years later... I still have it.

Tyrien 08-25-2008 03:57 AM

Lasy game I played was Warhawk.

emmygirl121 08-25-2008 04:16 AM

killing my brother in SC II

kaelazors 08-25-2008 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Yuna7780 (Post 569300)
Very niiice. How'd you get it?
When I was in sixth grade, I borrowed it from a friend who was annoying. I never returned it because I never hung out with her again and I got to keep it. About five years later... I still have it.

hahaha sweet deal! i have kh cuz i borrowed it from my ex and now we don't really talk anymore so it's still here XD gonna borrow ff7 from a friend. i'm stoked ^^ lol

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