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Pyro 08-25-2008 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by Yuna7780 (Post 569288)
@mpr- You can also find the guide at Wal-Mart. I'm not sure if it's cheaper or not, but I'm also getting 10% off because mommy works there. :D

@Pyro- I haven't played MarioKart Wii. I really want it, but I don't have the cash.

I'm trying to save up for a PS3... I don't have any other games to really play right now. I really want on the PS3 Assasin's Creed, CoD4, MGS4, DMC4, and others I can't list right now.

What's with all of these fours? I also need to buy Persona 4 when it's released. I'm also abusing my Wii because I never play it. There just aren't any good T and M games I don't own out there right now to purchase. I can't stand family-fun games 85% of the time...

It's okay, I never play my Wii too, I mean Brawl and Mario Kart are bad ass, but I like playing those games with my friends. I own them lolz. That is awesome how you got FF7, something like that happened to me....only he had my game. I fail. lol

Pyro 08-25-2008 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by kaelazors (Post 569310)
hahaha sweet deal! i have kh cuz i borrowed it from my ex and now we don't really talk anymore so it's still here XD gonna borrow ff7 from a friend. i'm stoked ^^ lol

lol your friend have any games I can borrow too? j/k

OsakaPapa 08-25-2008 06:28 AM

With hearing you guys' stories about FF7, that makes 6 people I have talked to that have gotten FF7 by taking it from an annoying friend XD Cloud and Sephie are ending friendships everywhere XD

kaelazors 08-25-2008 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro (Post 569364)
lol your friend have any games I can borrow too? j/k

lol actually i don't think the ff7 is even his XD he said he had to borrow it from his cousin or something hahaha

Ronin4hire 08-25-2008 06:35 AM

I just got into Guilty Gear X. I bought it used at my local game store and am blown away by it!

Pyro 08-25-2008 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by kaelazors (Post 569368)
lol actually i don't think the ff7 is even his XD he said he had to borrow it from his cousin or something hahaha

Rofl it's a chain of borrow and keep.

Jaydelart 08-25-2008 07:00 AM

I was just browsing through games when I picked up 'Kengo: Legend of the 9'.
It was used. I took a glance at the brand new ones, but was feeling cheap and decided to save some cash (I'm waiting for Fable 2 :happypika: ).
It's a good game with real Japanese swordplay techniques... But it can be hard to survive a samurai fight... WHEN YOU DON'T COMPLETELY KNOW HOW THE FIGHTING SYSTEM WORKS~!

... The damn box didn't have a book in it, so I'm about 45% through the game, but struggling...
That's what I get for being cheap.

kaelazors 08-25-2008 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro (Post 569374)
Rofl it's a chain of borrow and keep.

lol and i'll probably let my sister borrow it when i'm done XD

Pyro 08-25-2008 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Jaydelart (Post 569381)
I was just browsing through games when I picked up 'Kengo: Legend of the 9'.
It was used. I took a glance at the brand new ones, but was feeling cheap and decided to save some cash (I'm waiting for Fable 2 :happypika: ).
It's a good game with real Japanese swordplay techniques... But it can be hard to survive a samurai fight... WHEN YOU DON'T COMPLETELY KNOW HOW THE FIGHTING SYSTEM WORKS~!

... The damn box didn't have a book in it, so I'm about 45% through the game, but struggling...
That's what I get for being cheap.

lol man that sucks dude. I'm waiting for Fable 2 too, got the pub games already. And kael there might be a good chance you won't see that game after you beat it. rofl

kaelazors 08-25-2008 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro (Post 569390)
lol man that sucks dude. I'm waiting for Fable 2 too, got the pub games already. And kael there might be a good chance you won't see that game after you beat it. rofl

hahaha for reals. then my friend's cousin will get on my friend's case and my friend will get on my case about it =O oh no i can already see the chain of pestering forming XD

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