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temudzjin 12-06-2007 09:45 PM

The Witcher
The Settlers rise of an empire

Genkaku 12-07-2007 10:11 AM

I just found Ring of Red under a pile of dvd's and i'm still enjoying this great Konami game bigtime!

Wyverian 12-17-2007 05:31 AM

Castlevania Symphony of the Night (X-box Arcade)
Halo 3
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Again)


Mass Effect
Super Mario Galaxy
Metroid Prime 3

animelover32 12-17-2007 10:38 PM

Final Fantasy X
Tekken 4 (again)
Valkyrie Profile2-Silmeria
Final Fantasy XII (still...)

HightopNinja 12-18-2007 12:09 AM

Halo 3. I play multiplayer at least an hour a day with my sister's husband and a group of our friends.

Smackdown Vs. Raw 2008. I actually hate this game now. Last year's was so much better. Reversals are way too easy to pull off. Ugh.

Viva Pinata. I play this off and on. Usually for a day and then shelve it for a couple of weeks/months. Its always some good fun.

Band of Bugs. Just picked it up and from the few minutes I spent playing it, it looks like super-duper fun. I can't wait to have the time to play through it.

pyro8907 12-18-2007 12:10 AM

Guitar Hero 3 and Halo 3

Natsume 12-18-2007 02:05 PM

Armored Core 4
DOA 4 (Kasumi rules:D)
Virtua Fighter 5
Assasins Creed
Xenosaga 3: Also Spach Zarathustra
Mass Effect

miyavikuun 12-18-2007 02:06 PM

im a poor little person and im not playing anything right now but im going to play okami for the 4 time

Animekitty 12-18-2007 07:58 PM

My name is Animekitty and I am an Evercrack addict.

It started so innocently but Everquest led to my dependence on Everquest 2 and now I'm just not me unless I get to spend a good 2 to 4 hours a day getting my fix. Oh woo is me. . .

Oh. . . and when the servers are down I play 9dragons

bluepheonix1300 12-19-2007 05:43 PM

Right now I'm playing the following:

Touch Detective 2 1/2 (DS)
DragonQuest VIII (PS2)
Rule of Rose (PS2)
Harvest Moon (Gamecube) *'cuz I likes it*
And I'm probably gonna restart KH2....again....are they going to come out with a part 3 or not?

I wanna get a Wii and get Mario Party or the new Paper Mario game but people have been going crazy here getting them for Christmas.

To animelover32:
I just picked up Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria! Have you played it much?


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