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Yuna7780 11-23-2008 05:04 AM

Lately I've been crunching Persona 3 a lot and trying to beat the game. I'm almost to the finish line, but... I'm... Not... Strong ENOUGH!! :P

I'm also replaying Silent Hill 3 with one of my bff's with all the funny cheats on. Too much fun.

Uriko 11-23-2008 05:46 AM

Luminous Arc 2.

yuko81 11-23-2008 08:23 AM

Chibichick Great Fight 3.4:D
when will i reach Pluto? when? when?

TheDevilInDisguise 11-23-2008 10:08 AM

i'm playing cod 4 and left 4 dead. mostly left 4 dead 'coz it just pwns!

ecep 11-23-2008 03:15 PM

hello...anybody...i am to download game..but i don't know site that is free..may be peace shared game to this forum.....please...

SerApHimJhazz 11-23-2008 03:31 PM

Im Playing mOnster HUnter 2g ryt now.... Still waiting for kingdom hearts Birth by Sleep and Final Fantasy 13 Agito

clairebear 11-23-2008 03:34 PM

Professor Leyton and the Curious Village xD

Firu 11-23-2008 03:48 PM

final fantasy 4 ds :)

superheel 11-23-2008 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by ecep (Post 632133)
hello...anybody...i am to download game..but i don't know site that is free..may be peace shared game to this forum.....please...

first go to emulator-zone.com for free emulators then go to dashroms.com for game you can play on your emulator.

If putting download websites aren't allowed here, please tell me, i'll delete this.

reihiino 11-23-2008 05:07 PM

on the DS-Animal Crossing (of course) & Lego Batman
on the Wii-Wii Fit & Animal Crossing: City Folk

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